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Nitrogen Vacancy Centers: Robust Magnetic Field Sensors
Nitrogen Vacancy Centers: Robust Magnetic Field Sensors
Nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond are an exciting platform to build very accurate sensors. These vacancy centers provide very precise energy levels that can be influenced and controlled by various ...
Flexible Organic LEDs: The Future or Passing Fad?
Flexible Organic LEDs: The Future or Passing Fad?
If you have paid any attention to developments in the smartphone domain, you have no doubt heard talk of the Samsung Galaxy Fold and Huawei Mate X, both making headlines for their innovative foldable ...
Variable-Focus Adaptive Lenses for Presbyopia Correction
Variable-Focus Adaptive Lenses for Presbyopia Correction
Introduction to Presbyopia As we grow older the lens of the eye becomes much more rigid, hindering the ability to properly focus light onto the retina. This condition, presbyopia, affects approximately two ...
New Phototherapy for Treating Different Medical Conditions
New Phototherapy for Treating Different Medical Conditions
Scientists have spent many years looking at different ways of treating various types of medical conditions. This includes mental/psychological conditions such as depression, and physical ailments like ...
Laser Ignition for Eco-Friendly, Gas-Fueled Automobiles
Laser Ignition for Eco-Friendly, Gas-Fueled Automobiles
Greenhouse Gas Emission: A Case Study In 2007, German officials pledged that the country would reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40% by the year 2020. The country dedicated $580 billion and passed over ...
Charge Coupled Devices and CMOS Sensors for Superior Imaging
Charge Coupled Devices and CMOS Sensors for Superior Imaging
Imaging tools help us see into the world that is not possible with our naked eyes. It was with the invention of the microscope and the telescope that big frontiers in science were reached. We unlocked the ...
Graphene Silicon Devices for Photonics Applications
Graphene Silicon Devices for Photonics Applications
Improving Communications by Blending Materials The advances in communication technologies that we enjoy today and treat as granted in our everyday lives are a result of a formidable thrust in the ...
Perovskite Quantum Dots
Perovskite Quantum Dots
Quantum dots, sometimes referred to as semiconductor nanocrystals, are an exciting emerging technology that we have covered previously on our blog. Quantum dots are artificial nanoparticles (on the order ...
Optical Fibers for Medical Sensors and Light Delivery
Optical Fibers for Medical Sensors and Light Delivery
Optical fibers are a convenient instrument for robust light transfer. Their low losses have enabled their wide use in long distance telecommunication systems while service providers like AT&T, Verizon ...
Laser Doppler Flowmetry: Measuring Blood Flow with Light
Laser Doppler Flowmetry: Measuring Blood Flow with Light
In 1842, Johann Doppler delivered his paper on Doppler effect to Royal Bohemian Society. In his paper “On the Colored Light of Double Stars and Some Other Heavenly Bodies”, he arrived at the ...