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Digital Holographic Microscopy Using Deep Learning
Digital Holographic Microscopy Using Deep Learning
Introduction A number of disciplines, including flow analysis, particle/cell dynamics and monitoring, and microfluidics, have used digital holographic microscopy. Holograms are diffraction patterns that ...
Multiphoton Microscopy on Zebrafish
Multiphoton Microscopy on Zebrafish
Currently there is development in the biomedical sphere surrounding a very well documented species: Zebrafish. One benefit of studying these fish is the insight on neural development literally visible in ...
Neuralink Technology: Brief Introduction
Neuralink Technology: Brief Introduction
Introduction Neuralink is a neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk in 2016 to develop implantable brain-machine interfaces. The company aims to create devices that can be implanted in the human ...
Piezoelectric Crystals: Industrial and Biomedical Uses
Piezoelectric Crystals: Industrial and Biomedical Uses
Introduction Piezoelectricity is a material’s ability to acquire electric charge in response to an applied mechanical stressor. The root “piezo–” is derived from the Greek word piezein, meaning “to ...
Nanomedicine: Applications of Quantum Dots
Nanomedicine: Applications of Quantum Dots
Introduction Humankind has had its eyes on the microscopic world for centuries. Jonathan Swift illustrated the fantastically tiny world of the Lilliputians in his classic novel, Gulliver’s Travels. Dr. ...
Laser-Induced Cavitation and Laser-Fluid Coupling
Laser-Induced Cavitation and Laser-Fluid Coupling
Introduction and motivation The development of vapor bubbles in a liquid as a result of laser radiation is known as laser-induced cavitation. These types of bubble formations are observable in microfluidic ...
Starlink: Innovating the Internet
Starlink: Innovating the Internet
Starlink, a collection of satellites operated by SpaceX, is at the forefront of delivering global wireless internet coverage to nearly 45 participating countries. In this blog post, we will discuss the ...
Fusion Ignition Achieved: a Milestone in Power Production
Fusion Ignition Achieved: a Milestone in Power Production
Fusion ignition has been achieved on earth! The first fusion reaction to produce a net positive energy gain has made history on December 5th of 2022. This monumental day in power resulted from years of ...
Bendable LED Technology
Bendable LED Technology
Bendable LEDs, an advancement of Light Emitting Diodes, pave the way towards more flexible lighting options in any space. Artificial lighting has come a long way since simple candles made of beeswax. Now ...
HDR Photography: A Practical Guide
HDR Photography: A Practical Guide
If you’ve ever been on a hike on a sunny day you may have noticed that the photos you take have high levels of contrast between the bright spots and shady spots. This can be hard to manage as an ...