Laser Material Processing

Two-Photon Polymerization of Cellular Scaffolds
Two-Photon Polymerization of Cellular Scaffolds
In many tissue engineering experiments, a form of support is required to promote cell growth. Three dimensional scaffolds provide an artificial extracellular matrix, attachment sites for cells, support for ...
Combination Laser Processing of Nickel-Chromium Alloys
Combination Laser Processing of Nickel-Chromium Alloys
Developments in combination laser processing techniques have the potential to improve the manufacturing of metal parts. Researchers at the University of Basque Country proposed a combination of Laser Metal ...
Plasma Light Sources Entering the Tech Industry: A Testament to Moore’s Law
Plasma Light Sources Entering the Tech Industry: A Testament to Moore’s Law
Introduction to Plasma Light Sources Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits has and will continue to double every year. This trend alludes to exponential ...
Laser Resurfacing: Treating Scars and Wrinkles with Light
Laser Resurfacing: Treating Scars and Wrinkles with Light
Cosmetic Laser Industry One of the most common uses for lasers in cosmetic applications is treatment of scars and wrinkles. The laser aesthetic market offers patients a noninvasive way to solve their skin ...
Laser Welding: The Joining Force From Laser Beams
What is Laser Welding? While laser cutting is used for separating parts of an object, laser welding is a process that joins together separated materials. When a laser beam hits the material surface, the ...
Laser Micromachining: A Torch Light To The Microscopic World
Laser Micromachining: A Torch Light To The Microscopic World
What Is Laser Micromachining? In recent years, the growing maturity of laser devices has conceived and fulfilled many novel material processing techniques. Among all the branches, laser micromachining ...
Laser Marking System: Complex Design For Elegant Patterning
Laser Marking System: Complex Design For Elegant Patterning
In the last article we presented a thorough discussion about the principles of laser marking mechanisms. In this post we will proceed to review the design of different laser marking systems. Compared to ...
Laser Marking Mechanisms: Low and High Energy Regimes
Laser Marking Mechanisms: Low and High Energy Regimes
In our last blog post we gave a quick introduction to laser marking. In this post we will look into the various laser marking mechanisms. It may look dazzling to categorize laser marking approaches ...
Laser Marking: The Light Pencil To Fulfill Imagination And Artistry
Laser Marking: The Light Pencil To Fulfill Imagination And Artistry
Laser marking has spread into a wide spectrum of industrial fields. In this picture, an industrial laser is engraving an aerospace component. Courtesy of What Is Laser Marking? It has ...
Laser Marking on Glass: How to Achieve High Quality
Laser Marking on Glass: How to Achieve High Quality
How to improve the quality of laser marking on glass? Perhaps this is your first week of starting a laser engraving business or you have been using your laser quite proficiently for some time now, and ...