Search Results for: crystals

Piezoelectric Crystals: Industrial and Biomedical Uses
Piezoelectric Crystals: Industrial and Biomedical Uses
Introduction Piezoelectricity is a material’s ability to acquire electric charge in response to an applied mechanical stressor. The root “piezo–” is derived from the Greek word piezein, meaning “to ...
Laser Crystals: A Powerful Gain Medium for Laser Applications
Laser Crystals: A Powerful Gain Medium for Laser Applications
How do lasers work? This blog spends much time discussing the use and the applications of lasers, but how do they work? Lasers emit a coherent light beam from a cavity. The term “laser” is actually an ...
Invisible Materials: The Science and Future of Light Manipulation
Invisible Materials: The Science and Future of Light Manipulation
In this article we will take you on a journey through the enigmatic world of invisible materials, leading you to our detailed exploration of the inner workings of modern meta-materials that enable cloaking ...
Bandpass Filters Explained: A Detailed Guide
Bandpass Filters Explained: A Detailed Guide
In the realm of optical engineering and photonics, optical bandpass filters stand as essential yet often underappreciated components. These filters, integral in managing light wavelengths, are crucial in a ...
Terahertz Sources: Advanced Guide
Terahertz Sources: Advanced Guide
Definition and Scope of Terahertz Sources and Radiation (0.1 THz to 10 THz): Terahertz (THz) radiation, occupying the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and infrared light, encompasses frequencies ...
Piezoelectric Actuators: Applications Across Industries
Piezoelectric Actuators: Applications Across Industries
Consider MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) and working with objects in the nanometer scale. In this context extreme precision is needed. Can you describe how we move things at such a small scale? In ...
Raman Thermometry: Measuring Temperature at Micro-Scale
Raman Thermometry: Measuring Temperature at Micro-Scale
Why Measuring Temperatures at Micro-Scale is so Difficult? Scaling temperature measurement techniques from the macro- to micro-scale proves quite difficult due to the evasiveness of temperature sensing ...
Quantum Entanglement for Medical Imaging: Advancing Cancer Diagnosis
Quantum Entanglement for Medical Imaging: Advancing Cancer Diagnosis
Ever wondered how quantum entanglement for medical imaging might help in cancer diagnosis? In recent years, there has been increasing concern about the spread of cancer in aging Western societies. Various ...
Nanomedicine: Applications of Quantum Dots
Nanomedicine: Applications of Quantum Dots
Introduction Humankind has had its eyes on the microscopic world for centuries. Jonathan Swift illustrated the fantastically tiny world of the Lilliputians in his classic novel, Gulliver’s Travels. Dr. ...
Optical Mount (3 Things to Consider when Choosing)
Optical Mount (3 Things to Consider when Choosing)
Introduction to an Optical Mount  Optics research and development requires stable systems due to the sensitivity of light. The most popular devices including lenses, mirrors, crystals, and polarizers often ...