Search Results for: imaging

3D Cameras: A Complete Guide to Depth Imaging Technology
3D Cameras: A Complete Guide to Depth Imaging Technology
Learn about 3D Cameras with our comprehensive guide. From the fundamentals of depth imaging to cutting-edge technological advancements and future insights, we cover it all. Whether you’re a tech ...
Quantum Entanglement for Medical Imaging: Advancing Cancer Diagnosis
Quantum Entanglement for Medical Imaging: Advancing Cancer Diagnosis
Ever wondered how quantum entanglement for medical imaging might help in cancer diagnosis? In recent years, there has been increasing concern about the spread of cancer in aging Western societies. Various ...
Neural Imaging with Visible Light: Intrinsic Signal
Neural Imaging with Visible Light: Intrinsic Signal
Recent advances in neural imaging (or neuroimaging) techniques may pave the way for better treatment of neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and next-generation applications in fields ...
Everything You Should Know About Thermal Imaging Cameras
Everything You Should Know About Thermal Imaging Cameras
Today’s post on thermal imaging cameras is prepared by a guest blogger – Amanda Wilson – a technical blogger specializing in the electrical and electronic test equipment and measurement ...
Schlieren Imaging Technique for Capturing the Invisible
Schlieren Imaging Technique for Capturing the Invisible
Schlieren imaging – a less known visualization method – makes it possible to visualize what’s the typically invisible. It makes it possible to capture changes in flow such as heat rising ...
Sub-Nanometer Resolution from these Optical Imaging Techniques
Sub-Nanometer Resolution from these Optical Imaging Techniques
Sub-nanometer imaging is desired over a range of different fields with uses from profiling thin films to investigating biological materials. In this blog post we will explore some of the methods for ...
Corneal Imaging Methods (in vivo): A Crash Course
Corneal Imaging Methods (in vivo): A Crash Course
The cornea protects the eye from debris and germs from the environment and accounts for roughly two-thirds of the eye’s focusing power. Corneal imaging is critical in diagnosing and determining treatment ...
Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy: Fundamentals and Embryonic Imaging
Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy: Fundamentals and Embryonic Imaging
Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy (LLSM) is a variant of conventional Light Sheet Microscopy (LSM). In short, LLSM utilizes a lattice of light beams to image a specimen. While LSM techniques illuminate single ...
Hyperspectral Imaging for Thyroid and Salivary Gland Tumor Detection
Hyperspectral Imaging for Thyroid and Salivary Gland Tumor Detection
Thyroid and Salivary Gland Tumor Detection Salivary gland tumors and thyroid tumors are both considered head and neck cancers, so they are often grouped together when discussing diagnoses or treatments. ...
Digital Holography: Interferometric Imaging of Biological Samples
Digital Holography: Interferometric Imaging of Biological Samples
High Resolution Microscopy Image quality in high-resolution optical microscopy is predominately restricted by the diffraction limit– a fundamental consequence of using lenses.  High-resolution ...