Search Results for: optics

Metamaterials and their Optical Applications
Metamaterials and their Optical Applications
Overview Individual component materials affect much of the behavior of optical systems. Metamaterial components are no different. While silica-based glass lenses, prisms, and beamsplitters might be the ...
Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy: Fundamentals and Embryonic Imaging
Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy: Fundamentals and Embryonic Imaging
Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy (LLSM) is a variant of conventional Light Sheet Microscopy (LSM). In short, LLSM utilizes a lattice of light beams to image a specimen. While LSM techniques illuminate single ...
Photonics in Medicine: Top 5 Biomedical Impacts
Photonics in Medicine: Top 5 Biomedical Impacts
Researchers began manipulating laser technologies to use in scientific research long time ago. Which began as abstract exploration of the behavior of light and its interaction with nature, soon turned into ...
Hyperspectral Imaging for Thyroid and Salivary Gland Tumor Detection
Hyperspectral Imaging for Thyroid and Salivary Gland Tumor Detection
Thyroid and Salivary Gland Tumor Detection Salivary gland tumors and thyroid tumors are both considered head and neck cancers, so they are often grouped together when discussing diagnoses or treatments. ...
Using LEDs to Test G-Force Tolerance in Air Force Pilots
Using LEDs to Test G-Force Tolerance in Air Force Pilots
G-Force  and Training Pilots of Highly Maneuverable Aircraft Gravitational force equivalent or g-force describes the acceleration of a body relative to the acceleration of gravity at the Earth’s ...
Ring Laser Gyroscopes for Inertial Navigation and Transportation Systems
Ring Laser Gyroscopes for Inertial Navigation and Transportation Systems
Ring laser gyroscopes have come a long way since the first prototypes. The first gyrocompass was co-invented in 1908 by Elmer Sperry, a.k.a “the father of modern navigation technology,” and ...
A Doppler LiDAR System for Advanced Weather Monitoring
A Doppler LiDAR System for Advanced Weather Monitoring
Wind and rainfall must be closely monitored in many domains including agricultural planning, flight safety, and early warnings of hazardous weather. Wind and rain detection is also important for long-term ...
Diffraction: An Introduction
Diffraction: An Introduction
Goals of Engineering: Precision In many cases, the goal of scientists and engineers is to affect some change in the world we live in via a rigorous understanding of the characteristics of some process or ...
Digital Holography: Interferometric Imaging of Biological Samples
Digital Holography: Interferometric Imaging of Biological Samples
High Resolution Microscopy Image quality in high-resolution optical microscopy is predominately restricted by the diffraction limit– a fundamental consequence of using lenses.  High-resolution ...
Fiber Amplifiers: Wide-Band Solutions for Optical Signal Processing
Fiber Amplifiers: Wide-Band Solutions for Optical Signal Processing
The history of glass making can be traced back to at least 3600 BC, perhaps accidentally created from slags of metal-working processes. Since then this transparent material has provided us with beautiful ...