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Quantum entanglement and the 2022 Nobel Prize
Quantum entanglement and the 2022 Nobel Prize
The 2022 Nobel prize in Physics on quantum entanglement has been announced and the findings are incredible! In short, what researchers Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger have discovered is ...
Single Photon Sources and Quantum Applications
Single Photon Sources and Quantum Applications
Introduction Single photon sources are a relatively new type of light source that was first developed and tested in 1974. Unlike most classical light sources, this type of a source emits light as a single ...
Laser Powder Bed Fusion with Heterogeneous Sensing
Laser Powder Bed Fusion with Heterogeneous Sensing
Introduction to laser powder bed fusion In this article, we discuss a novel work introduced by the researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the USA. ...
Optical Neural Networks: The Future of Deep Learning?
Optical Neural Networks: The Future of Deep Learning?
Optical Neural Networks can revolutionize data science. The current state of data science places a heavy emphasis on large quantities of data, which are widely available due to increased computational ...
The Physics of Invisibility Shield
The Physics of Invisibility Shield
Have you ever pondered about the physics of invisibility: the physics behind how we could possibly make someone invisible? Perhaps you picture bending light around someone to shield them with invisibility. ...
Supercontinuum Lasers: Discovery and Applications
Supercontinuum Lasers: Discovery and Applications
Introduction Supercontinuum lasers are a special type of lasers that emit an extremely wide and continuous spectrum of light. When they were first invented, these lasers were known as the “white-light” ...
LeviPrint Technology: Introduction to a New Fabrication Technology
LeviPrint Technology: Introduction to a New Fabrication Technology
LeviPrint technology, short for levitation printing technology, is a touch free manufacturing system currently in development. The technology is being developed with a few new contributions being ...
Laser Microstructuring on Polymer Surfaces
Laser Microstructuring on Polymer Surfaces
Material surfaces are not as smooth as they seem. They have microscopic irregularities that can only be seen when magnified. These irregularities are called microstructures. When properly engineered, these ...
Fresnel Lenses: 1800 – Present
Fresnel Lenses: 1800 – Present
When visiting lighthouses built in the 19th century, you may notice a strange hive like glass cage around the lamp. These are the Fresnel lenses, originally designed by Augustin Fresnel*. At the time, ...
Laser Wire Strippers: Modern Technology and its Benefits
Laser Wire Strippers: Modern Technology and its Benefits
Wire stripping said simply, is the removal of insulation covering electrically conducting wires. But what is the most efficient and cost-effective way to go about doing it? Laser Wire Strippers are a ...