Search Results for: imaging

Shape Reconstruction Methods in Continuum Robot
Shape Reconstruction Methods in Continuum Robot
In recent medical research fields, continuum robot is becoming a prevalent topic because it can traverse confined spaces and manipulate objects in complex environments due to its compliant structure. With ...
Laser Tissue Interactions: Biological Factors to Consider for Dermatology
Laser Tissue Interactions: Biological Factors to Consider for Dermatology
In 1963, Leon Goldman became the first person to report using lasers in dermatology. Goldman reported the effects of Ruby laser in the selective destruction of cutaneous pigmented structures, like black ...
Tissue Welding Using Lasers for Sutureless Surgical Procedures
Tissue Welding Using Lasers for Sutureless Surgical Procedures
Tissue welding is a relatively new procedure that aims to seal wounds and openings in a surgery using laser. The first tissue welding application using lasers was done in 1964 to join small blood vessels ...
Visual SLAM: Sensor Application in Autonomous Mobile Robots
Visual SLAM: Sensor Application in Autonomous Mobile Robots
Visual SLAM is now a trending approach in autonomous mobile robot development. Mobile robot is the one capable of transporting itself from place to place. For example, the first mobile robot emerged as a ...
Holographic Technology: More Than Entertainment
Holographic Technology: More Than Entertainment
People who are fans of superhero movies will remember that iconic scene in Iron Man where Tony Stark is in his workshop moving around all of the holograms. Even more iconic is that scene in A New Hope when ...
Optogenetics: The Future of Lasers in Neurology for Brain Studies
Optogenetics: The Future of Lasers in Neurology for Brain Studies
Optogenetics is the emerging field of using light to control and study neuronal activity. In 2005, a Stanford University team was able to use a light-sensitive microbial protein to control the timing of ...
Cancer Cell Detection Using a Low-Cost Fluorometer
Cancer Cell Detection Using a Low-Cost Fluorometer
For women across all socioeconomic groups, breast cancer poses a large threat. Approximately 1 in every 8 women will be diagnosed with the cancer during her lifetime. Additionally, it is one of the leading ...
A Practical and Low-Cost Approach to Artificial Compound Eyes
A Practical and Low-Cost Approach to Artificial Compound Eyes
Compound eyes provide insects with the ability to quickly react to danger. These eyes posses a much wider field-of-view, higher light sensitivity, and superior sensitivity to motion when compared to the ...
Mode-Locked Lasers Improved With Graphene Technology
Mode-Locked Lasers Improved With Graphene Technology
Ever since graphene sheets were isolated from bulk graphite in 2004, two-dimensional materials have received an immense amount of interest for their unexpected and novel electronic and optical properties. ...
Photocoagulation Using Lasers for Treating Diabetic Retinopathy
Photocoagulation Using Lasers for Treating Diabetic Retinopathy
Lasers came into the field of ophthalmology in 1961, when Ruby laser was used to create ocular lesions in rabbits. Unfortunately, creating vascular lesions in the human retina was not effective at that ...