Search Results for: laser beam

Terahertz Sources: Advanced Guide
Terahertz Sources: Advanced Guide
Definition and Scope of Terahertz Sources and Radiation (0.1 THz to 10 THz): Terahertz (THz) radiation, occupying the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and infrared light, encompasses frequencies ...
Neutral Density Filters: A Comprehensive Guide
Neutral Density Filters: A Comprehensive Guide
In the vast realm of optical tools, few are as indispensable to professionals as the Neutral Density Filters. Whether it’s an astronomer seeking to reduce the brilliance of celestial bodies or an ...
Optical Apertures: Comprehensive Guide
Optical Apertures: Comprehensive Guide
Introduction An aperture refers to an opening or a hole through which light passes. Lenses, telescopes, cameras, microscopes, and fiber optic systems use optical apertures. The size and shape of the ...
Technology Behind Barcode Scanners
Technology Behind Barcode Scanners
One of the many gifts that technological innovation within the last century has given us is the creation of the barcode. They often serve as the bridge between physical and online content. The partnership ...
Quantum Entanglement for Medical Imaging: Advancing Cancer Diagnosis
Quantum Entanglement for Medical Imaging: Advancing Cancer Diagnosis
Ever wondered how quantum entanglement for medical imaging might help in cancer diagnosis? In recent years, there has been increasing concern about the spread of cancer in aging Western societies. Various ...
Metal Manufacturing Processes: Brief Guide
Metal Manufacturing Processes: Brief Guide
There exist a plethora of choices when it comes to making a part. Certain manufacturing processes are preferable for different types of parts depending on cost, quality, and quantity needed for any ...
Hubble vs. Webb Photonics: Light Wave Detection
Hubble vs. Webb Photonics: Light Wave Detection
The Hubble Space Telescope has served as a space pioneer over the past three decades, but how has its successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, already furthered these astronomical advancements so much? ...
How will Optical Fiber Probes Shape the Future of Medicine?
How will Optical Fiber Probes Shape the Future of Medicine?
How often do we think about the importance of optical fiber probes in biomedical applications? When we think of optical engineering applications in the medical field, we often think of lasers, MRI ...
STED Microscopy: Turning Molecules Off And On
STED Microscopy: Turning Molecules Off And On
Stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED) is a popular super-resolution microscopy technique that researchers use to magnify microscopic organic compounds and proteins. This method is superior to ...
Optical Coherence Tomography: Introduction
Optical Coherence Tomography: Introduction
If you’ve visited an optometrist, they may have used optical coherence tomography (OCT) to scan your retina. This new technique uses low coherence interferometry to image semi transparent tissue. Being a ...