Search Results for: optics

Microscopy on the Smartphone: Bright-field and Fluorescence
Microscopy on the Smartphone: Bright-field and Fluorescence
In healthcare terminology, diagnostics refers to classifying an illness or condition based on studying the symptoms. The process of diagnostics has been forever changed with technology. Quality medical ...
Virtual Reality (VR): Bringing CT to the Foreground of Surgery Prep
Virtual Reality (VR): Bringing CT to the Foreground of Surgery Prep
Virtual Reality (VR) has shown promise in displaying complex images in an immersive way. The Army, Air Force, and various police departments across the U.S. use VR to create training programs for ...
Quantum Dots: The Basics
Quantum Dots: The Basics
If you’ve been in the market for new high-end TV lately, you may have run into what Samsung has coined as the QLED line of displays.  Display manufacturers tout this “state-of-the-art” display technology a ...
The Importance of LiDAR in Self-Driving Cars
The Importance of LiDAR in Self-Driving Cars
Autonomous vehicles are a scientific wonder that optics is turning into a reality. On top of being highly convenient, autonomy for vehicles can potentially reduce rates of collision. This article covers ...
Dimensional Metrology and the Smart Factory
Dimensional Metrology and the Smart Factory
The manufacturing industry has come a long way from Ford’s car plants that spurred innovation in the U.S. The assembly line was a revolutionary tactic for efficiency, but modern manufacturing is much more ...
Neural Imaging with Visible Light: Implantable Optical Sensors
Neural Imaging with Visible Light: Implantable Optical Sensors
Previously, we discussed how visible light in combination with implantable optical sensors was used to map epileptic neural activity and localize focal seizures on the surface of the brain.  Scientists at ...
Optical Innovations in Water Optimization and Agriculture
Optical Innovations in Water Optimization and Agriculture
Optical technology has had a huge impact on our everyday lives. Sensational inventions like the self-driving car, Wi-Fi connected home appliances and automated assembly lines all use optical fibers or ...
Machine Learning Enables OCT Imaging of Optic Nerve Head
Machine Learning Enables OCT Imaging of Optic Nerve Head
Medical imaging of the optic nerve head (ONH) is immensely important to study vision disorders like nearsightedness and glaucoma. Doctors traditionally use optical coherence tomography (OCT scans) to ...
Calvarial Fracture Imaging Using Raman Spectrometry
Calvarial Fracture Imaging Using Raman Spectrometry
Scientists from the City University of Hong Kong’s Department of Physics revolutionized calvarial fracture imaging through the use of Raman spectroscopy. By allowing these defects to be imaged, the ...
Hidden in Plain Sight: Optical Cloaking
Hidden in Plain Sight: Optical Cloaking
While most people would consider invisibility to be an unattainable superpower or limited to existing in sci-fi films, in reality, invisibility is not as impractical as it sounds. A technique, known as ...