Search Results for: laser beam

Photolithography: What It Is and Where It Is Going
Photolithography: What It Is and Where It Is Going
If you have ever thought about the microchips in your phone or wondered why the recent chip shortage is so important, keep reading! The answer starts with lithography, or more specifically ...
Freeform Optics Design and Fabrication
Freeform Optics Design and Fabrication
Most are used to seeing lenses with very set radii of curvature. Typical lenses have surfaces that are plano, convex, concave, or any combination of those. Even in the cases of aspherical lenses or ...
Metamaterial Applications Revisited: Optical and Acoustic
Metamaterial Applications Revisited: Optical and Acoustic
We have previously discussed metamaterials in an overview regarding their uses in lens design and optical cloaking, but the metamaterial realm stretches much further than that. Today, let us dive into ...
Miniature Lens Types and Production for Optical Devices
Miniature Lens Types and Production for Optical Devices
The convenience and size of modern electronics make it easy to overlook the amount of engineering crammed into each device. For instance, most individuals do not consider what went into loading multiple ...
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Behind the Tech and Beyond
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Behind the Tech and Beyond
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are two technologies that are becoming commonplace in the modern world. Virtual Reality is defined as an immersive technology where the user is blocked off from the ...
Corneal Imaging Methods (in vivo): A Crash Course
Corneal Imaging Methods (in vivo): A Crash Course
The cornea protects the eye from debris and germs from the environment and accounts for roughly two-thirds of the eye’s focusing power. Corneal imaging is critical in diagnosing and determining treatment ...
Alternatives to Silicon: Graphene, Gallium Nitride and Perovskites
Alternatives to Silicon: Graphene, Gallium Nitride and Perovskites
The advent of the semiconductors as it pertains to electronics has been nothing short of revolutionary. Specifically, semiconductors have enabled the processing of large amounts of data in smaller devices. ...
A Doppler LiDAR System for Advanced Weather Monitoring
A Doppler LiDAR System for Advanced Weather Monitoring
Wind and rainfall must be closely monitored in many domains including agricultural planning, flight safety, and early warnings of hazardous weather. Wind and rain detection is also important for long-term ...
Digital Holography: Interferometric Imaging of Biological Samples
Digital Holography: Interferometric Imaging of Biological Samples
High Resolution Microscopy Image quality in high-resolution optical microscopy is predominately restricted by the diffraction limit– a fundamental consequence of using lenses.  High-resolution ...
Optical Cavities: Design Considerations for Mode Selection
Optical Cavities: Design Considerations for Mode Selection
Optical cavities form one of the crucial elements in the laser system design apart from the gain medium and other active and passive elements. For applications other than lasers, optical cavities can ...