Search Results for: laser beam

X-Ray Microscopy: A Bigger World In A Smaller Scale
X-Ray Microscopy: A Bigger World In A Smaller Scale
Ever since x-ray was first discovered by Sir Wilhelm Röntgen, scientists have started the enthusiastic exploration of its potential for imaging applications. Among all the sub-fields, x-ray microscopy has ...
Mica Waveplates – What You Need to Know
Mica Waveplates – What You Need to Know
General Information Mica is a naturally occurring birefringent biaxial crystal. It is cleaved into wafers of precisely controlled thickness to produce optical retarders at user-specified wavelengths. Due ...
A Chip-Scale Workbench for Quantum Computing
Stewart Wills Scientists in the United Kingdom and Japan have fabricated a glass chip with an optical waveguide circuit that’s capable of implementing a universal set of linear optical transformations—and ...