Search Results for: led

Optical Myography: Detecting Hand Posture by Looking at Forearm
Optical Myography: Detecting Hand Posture by Looking at Forearm
Optical myography is a technique that visually inspects the human forearm to determine the hand posture. Hand posture is a communication element as important as the language itself. Human hand gesture ...
Optical Vehicle to Vehicle Communication System: How It Works
Optical Vehicle to Vehicle Communication System: How It Works
Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication system enables vehicles to wirelessly exchange information about their speed, location, and traffic information. The technology behind V2V communication allows ...
Innovative Electric Components for Millimeter Wave Communication
Innovative Electric Components for Millimeter Wave Communication
The millimeter-wave (MMW) region of the electromagnetic spectrum is a region of frequency band between 30 gigahertz and 300 gigahertz, and it is called the Extremely High Frequency range. These high ...
Diode Laser Array: Delivering High Power Outputs by Combining Stacks
Diode Laser Array: Delivering High Power Outputs by Combining Stacks
High power lasers are used in the industry routinely for cutting, drilling, welding and micromachining materials. They have also found applications in medicine where tissue needs to be cut or heated. The ...
Skin-Like Device Design Using the Monte Carlo Method
Skin-Like Device Design Using the Monte Carlo Method
Researchers from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, recently published their findings on using the Monte Carlo method during the design of skin-like optical devices. The Monte Carlo method allows for ...
Edge Emitting vs Surface Emitting Lasers: A Comparison of Performance
Edge Emitting vs Surface Emitting Lasers: A Comparison of Performance
Edge emitting and surface emitting lasers present two configurations for laser emission using semiconductors. Edge emitting lasers came first but were quickly replaced by surface emitting lasers for ...
Laser Marking on Metals: Techniques and Parameters
Laser Marking on Metals: Techniques and Parameters
Laser marking of metals is becoming an increasingly important process in product identification and branding. On our blog, we have previously written about the basic principles of laser marking, the proper ...
Laser Tissue Interactions: Biological Factors to Consider for Dermatology
Laser Tissue Interactions: Biological Factors to Consider for Dermatology
In 1963, Leon Goldman became the first person to report using lasers in dermatology. Goldman reported the effects of Ruby laser in the selective destruction of cutaneous pigmented structures, like black ...
Tissue Welding Using Lasers for Sutureless Surgical Procedures
Tissue Welding Using Lasers for Sutureless Surgical Procedures
Tissue welding is a relatively new procedure that aims to seal wounds and openings in a surgery using laser. The first tissue welding application using lasers was done in 1964 to join small blood vessels ...
Holographic Technology: More Than Entertainment
Holographic Technology: More Than Entertainment
People who are fans of superhero movies will remember that iconic scene in Iron Man where Tony Stark is in his workshop moving around all of the holograms. Even more iconic is that scene in A New Hope when ...