Search Results for: led

Optogenetics: The Future of Lasers in Neurology for Brain Studies
Optogenetics: The Future of Lasers in Neurology for Brain Studies
Optogenetics is the emerging field of using light to control and study neuronal activity. In 2005, a Stanford University team was able to use a light-sensitive microbial protein to control the timing of ...
Cancer Cell Detection Using a Low-Cost Fluorometer
Cancer Cell Detection Using a Low-Cost Fluorometer
For women across all socioeconomic groups, breast cancer poses a large threat. Approximately 1 in every 8 women will be diagnosed with the cancer during her lifetime. Additionally, it is one of the leading ...
A Practical and Low-Cost Approach to Artificial Compound Eyes
A Practical and Low-Cost Approach to Artificial Compound Eyes
Compound eyes provide insects with the ability to quickly react to danger. These eyes posses a much wider field-of-view, higher light sensitivity, and superior sensitivity to motion when compared to the ...
Photobleaching Using Lasers for Teeth Whitening in Dentistry
Photobleaching Using Lasers for Teeth Whitening in Dentistry
Lasers in dentistry have been explored since the early 1960s. At its infancy, the practitioners of the field used Ruby lasers. They used the pulses emitted from such lasers to ablate the tooth enamel to ...
Dental Caries Diagnosis Using Fluorescence Imaging Techniques
Dental Caries Diagnosis Using Fluorescence Imaging Techniques
A research team from the Military Technical College and from Cairo University in Cairo, Egypt have developed a fluorescence hyper-spectral imaging system which can be employed for diagnosis and detection ...
Photocoagulation Using Lasers for Treating Diabetic Retinopathy
Photocoagulation Using Lasers for Treating Diabetic Retinopathy
Lasers came into the field of ophthalmology in 1961, when Ruby laser was used to create ocular lesions in rabbits. Unfortunately, creating vascular lesions in the human retina was not effective at that ...
Transmyocardial Surgery: Using Lasers to Increase Vascular Flow
Transmyocardial Surgery: Using Lasers to Increase Vascular Flow
Cardiovascular diseases are among the top causes of death and morbidity in developed nations. In particular, diseases of the coronary arteries are most prevalent. Lasers are well suited to diagnose and ...
Biophysical Cancer Analysis via Raman Spectrometry
Biophysical Cancer Analysis via Raman Spectrometry
A research team from the University of Texas at Austin has published their findings on using Raman spectrometry for biophysical cancer analysis to analyze skin cancer. Their findings were applied to assist ...
Medical Lasers: A Guide to Various Effects and Choices
Medical Lasers: A Guide to Various Effects and Choices
The first medical application of lasers was reported by Goldman in 1962. In cardiovascular surgery, McGuff first used a Ruby laser in 1963 for the experimental ablation of atherosclerotic plaques. After a ...
Laser Cooling: A Future for Cryogenics Without Liquid Coolants
Laser Cooling: A Future for Cryogenics Without Liquid Coolants
Low temperature physics has helped us produce exotic quantum materials such as superconductors. This usually requires cryogenic fluids such as liquid nitrogen and helium for operation. Recently cooling ...