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Laser Detectors and Power & Energy Meters: A Primer
For any high-sensitivity laser application, it is essential that all necessary characteristics of the laser beam in use can be quantified and characterized beforehand. To this end, we have written ...
Nanophotonics: Big Developments In a Small World
An Introduction to Nanophotonics: Something Big from Something Small In recent years there has been a lot of work with nanophotonics in optical physics and engineering. This is a part of the rising ...
Ultrafast Light Pulses: The Next Step of Information Transfer?
As we have noted several times previously on our blog, Moore’s law, the phenomenon of exponential growth of computing power due to ever more compact transistor technology, can only continue so far ...
Photoacoustic Elastography: Using Light & Sound for Tissue Diagnosis
Introduction to Elastography Elastography is a type of imaging modality that provides information on the elastic properties and stiffness of the tissue being reviewed based on spatial distribution. It is ...
Photoacoustic Imaging for Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis
Cardiovascular Disease and Photoacoustic Imaging Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death in the world, accounting for 31% of all deaths. This class of diseases includes heart ...
Photodiodes: Detecting Photons with Electrons
Photoelectronic devices combine the vast use of electronics for processing information with the detection and the manipulation of light. Devices such as photodiodes are useful for detecting incoming light ...
Laser Diode-Pumped Phosphor Light Sources
Comparison Between Laser Diode-Pumped Light Sources, LEDs, and HIDs There is a great push in society today to offer light sources that are brighter, clearer, and more energy efficient. For many years now, ...
Nitrogen Vacancy Centers: Robust Magnetic Field Sensors
Nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond are an exciting platform to build very accurate sensors. These vacancy centers provide very precise energy levels that can be influenced and controlled by various ...
Flexible Organic LEDs: The Future or Passing Fad?
If you have paid any attention to developments in the smartphone domain, you have no doubt heard talk of the Samsung Galaxy Fold and Huawei Mate X, both making headlines for their innovative foldable ...
Variable-Focus Adaptive Lenses for Presbyopia Correction
Introduction to Presbyopia As we grow older the lens of the eye becomes much more rigid, hindering the ability to properly focus light onto the retina. This condition, presbyopia, affects approximately two ...