Search Results for: solar

Hubble vs. Webb Photonics: Light Wave Detection
Hubble vs. Webb Photonics: Light Wave Detection
The Hubble Space Telescope has served as a space pioneer over the past three decades, but how has its successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, already furthered these astronomical advancements so much? ...
Fresnel Lenses: 1800 – Present
Fresnel Lenses: 1800 – Present
When visiting lighthouses built in the 19th century, you may notice a strange hive like glass cage around the lamp. These are the Fresnel lenses, originally designed by Augustin Fresnel*. At the time, ...
CPU Operated By Photons That Can Change Processing Speeds Forever
CPU Operated By Photons That Can Change Processing Speeds Forever
Processors are located everywhere; from your computer to your new coffee maker, these chips are vital to your daily needs. These processing chips, also called central processing units (CPU), essentially ...
Everything You Should Know About Thermal Imaging Cameras
Everything You Should Know About Thermal Imaging Cameras
Today’s post on thermal imaging cameras is prepared by a guest blogger – Amanda Wilson – a technical blogger specializing in the electrical and electronic test equipment and measurement ...
Alternatives to Silicon: Graphene, Gallium Nitride and Perovskites
Alternatives to Silicon: Graphene, Gallium Nitride and Perovskites
The advent of the semiconductors as it pertains to electronics has been nothing short of revolutionary. Specifically, semiconductors have enabled the processing of large amounts of data in smaller devices. ...
Li-Fi Technology: A New Avenue for Wireless Data Communications
Li-Fi Technology: A New Avenue for Wireless Data Communications
Light Fidelity, also known as Li-Fi, was invented by Professor Suat Topsu from Paris-Saclay University and introduced worldwide by German Physicist Harald Haas in a 2011 Ted talk. Haas did a demonstration ...
Semiconductors: Two High Impact Applications
Semiconductors: Two High Impact Applications
Semiconductors are essential for modern day life as we know it. From their usage in integrated circuits for computers’ logic functions to satellite communications, semiconductors allow for efficient ...
Nanophotonics: Big Developments In a Small World
Nanophotonics: Big Developments In a Small World
  An Introduction to Nanophotonics: Something Big from Something Small In recent years there has been a lot of work with nanophotonics in optical physics and engineering. This is a part of the rising ...
Perovskite Quantum Dots
Perovskite Quantum Dots
Quantum dots, sometimes referred to as semiconductor nanocrystals, are an exciting emerging technology that we have covered previously on our blog. Quantum dots are artificial nanoparticles (on the order ...
Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Medical Imaging and Therapy
Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Medical Imaging and Therapy
Non-linear techniques in photonics have opened up new avenues for sensing and manipulating materials. In the 1960s, non-linear techniques were used to discover multiphoton absorption processes in ...