Search Results for: led

Calvarial Fracture Imaging Using Raman Spectrometry
Calvarial Fracture Imaging Using Raman Spectrometry
Scientists from the City University of Hong Kong’s Department of Physics revolutionized calvarial fracture imaging through the use of Raman spectroscopy. By allowing these defects to be imaged, the ...
Hidden in Plain Sight: Optical Cloaking
Hidden in Plain Sight: Optical Cloaking
While most people would consider invisibility to be an unattainable superpower or limited to existing in sci-fi films, in reality, invisibility is not as impractical as it sounds. A technique, known as ...
Light Injection in Waveguide Connected Microdisks (WCM)
Light Injection in Waveguide Connected Microdisks (WCM)
Researchers from the Harbin Institute of Technology at Shenzhen and Shanxi University have created a new configuration for waveguide connected microdisks (WCM). Their method could significantly reduce ...
Plasmonic Electro-Optic Modulator (EOM) for Improved Data Transmission
Plasmonic Electro-Optic Modulator (EOM) for Improved Data Transmission
Researchers at the University of Washington in collaboration with ETH-Zurich, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Purdue University, have created an extremely compact plasmonic electro-optic modulator ...
Nanohole Fabrication Improves Anti-Reflective Properties
Nanohole Fabrication Improves Anti-Reflective Properties
A team of researchers from the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology has developed improved techniques for large-scale nanohole fabrication. Importantly, these nanoholes are used in ...
Using LiDAR to Improve Biodiversity in Yellowstone National Park
Using LiDAR to Improve Biodiversity in Yellowstone National Park
  New research from Montana State University and the University of Montana suggests that Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) could provide conservationists at Yellowstone National Park with a critical ...
Deformable Mirror Fights Thermal Distortion in Q-Switched Lasers
Deformable Mirror Fights Thermal Distortion in Q-Switched Lasers
Researchers at Tsinghua University look to optimize the performance of passively Q-switched lasers by confronting effects of thermal distortion. Their solution, a customized deformable mirror, proves to be ...
Endothelial Surface Layer Imaging: Diagnosing Early Sepsis
Endothelial Surface Layer Imaging: Diagnosing Early Sepsis
A joint team of researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and the Seoul National University have achieved in vivo imaging of the endothelial surface layer. The endothelial ...
Laser Speckle Strain Imaging: A New Method to Study Delayed Fractures
Laser Speckle Strain Imaging: A New Method to Study Delayed Fractures
A team of researchers from the Wageningen University in the Netherlands has devised a new method of imaging solids as stress is applied to them. This method, called laser speckle strain imaging, reveals ...
Using Light Polarization to Explore Earth’s Final Frontier
Using Light Polarization to Explore Earth’s Final Frontier
Researchers from the University of Illinois recently developed a new method of navigating while underwater by taking advantage of light polarization. This underwater GPS has the ability to accurately ...