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Large Area Metalens: Wafer-Thin Design with Huge Impact
Large Area Metalens: Wafer-Thin Design with Huge Impact
Engineers at Harvard University have published their proposal for a large area lens design that addresses the high-demand of the technological age. With a nod to Moore’s Law, they sought to unify two ...
Artificial Photoreceptors: Nanowire Arrays as Subretinal Prosthetic Devices
Artificial Photoreceptors: Nanowire Arrays as Subretinal Prosthetic Devices
A new paper details the potential use of nanowire arrays as artificial photoreceptors. The Zhongshan Hospital-affiliate team from Fudan University in Shanghai observed visual responses in blind mice fitted ...
Intravascular Imaging: Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Catheters for Clinical Use
Intravascular Imaging: Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Catheters for Clinical Use
A team of researchers from the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands optimized the use of intravascular imaging in the detection of coronary artery diseases via catheters. They ...
Full-Field Optical Coherence Tomography (FFOCT): The Future of Corneal Disease Diagnosis
Full-Field Optical Coherence Tomography (FFOCT): The Future of Corneal Disease Diagnosis
A new study presents a novel approach to imaging the human cornea. The research team at the Langevin Institute in Paris says their optical coherence tomography device is the first capable of full-field in ...
Smart Glass Prototype for Optimal Adaptability
Researchers at the University of Delaware have revealed an exciting opportunity for the market of energy efficient technologies. In a paper published in February’s issue of Optics Express, the team ...
New Optical Tweezers Technique Revamps Single Cell Experimentation
New Optical Tweezers Technique Revamps Single Cell Experimentation
Researchers at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, UK have developed a new design for optical tweezers using a single diode-coupled multicore fiber. The novel method promises a much more flexible ...
Diode Laser: The Most Versatile and Convenient Coherent Light Source
Diode Laser: The Most Versatile and Convenient Coherent Light Source
Introduction to the Diode Laser Researchers have been developing different types of coherent light sources to fit a larger span of applications since 1960. Present-day lasers vary in size, power-range, and ...
Fiber Optic Polarizers: Better Quality Light for Optical Applications
Fiber Optic Polarizers: Better Quality Light for Optical Applications
  Introduction to Fiber Optic Polarizers Fiber optics cables are a common and extremely efficient method for data transmission and light guiding applications. Complete fiber optic networks can transmit ...
Optical Gyroscopes: Measuring Rotational Changes With Sagnac Effect
Optical Gyroscopes: Measuring Rotational Changes With Sagnac Effect
Gyroscopes are devices that measure rotational changes. On first mention, most people picture the beautifully rotating classical mechanical gyroscope. Although widely used till the late 1900s, optical ...
AR Coating Technique: Thin Film Deposition
AR Coating Technique: Thin Film Deposition
Having discussed the history and physics of AR coats, our final article discusses the standard AR coating techniques via application of thin films. The basic principles of AR coating application remain the ...