Search Results for: sensor data

Goniometer Stages 101: A Comprehensive Guide
Goniometer Stages 101: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction Goniometer stages, as shown in the example below, are precision instruments that play a pivotal role in the realm of optics. Their primary function is to measure angles or rotate an object ...
Arduino Projects for Your Resume as a Student
Arduino Projects for Your Resume as a Student
Introduction In the tech industry, having a strong foundation of skills and practical experience is crucial for success. Arduino is a popular platform that offers a low-cost and accessible way to learn ...
Technology Behind Barcode Scanners
Technology Behind Barcode Scanners
One of the many gifts that technological innovation within the last century has given us is the creation of the barcode. They often serve as the bridge between physical and online content. The partnership ...
Introduction to Bionics
Introduction to Bionics
Introduction Bionics, a field that merges biology and engineering, has been revolutionizing the way we approach and solve various challenges in medicine, technology, and beyond. From neural implants that ...
Neuralink Technology: Brief Introduction
Neuralink Technology: Brief Introduction
Introduction Neuralink is a neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk in 2016 to develop implantable brain-machine interfaces. The company aims to create devices that can be implanted in the human ...
Piezoelectric Crystals: Industrial and Biomedical Uses
Piezoelectric Crystals: Industrial and Biomedical Uses
Introduction Piezoelectricity is a material’s ability to acquire electric charge in response to an applied mechanical stressor. The root “piezo–” is derived from the Greek word piezein, meaning “to ...
HDR Photography: A Practical Guide
HDR Photography: A Practical Guide
If you’ve ever been on a hike on a sunny day you may have noticed that the photos you take have high levels of contrast between the bright spots and shady spots. This can be hard to manage as an ...
An Introduction to MEMS Technology
An Introduction to MEMS Technology
  Have you ever considered how small something could be? What would limit how small we can make things? How precise exactly is “ultra precision”? Today we will have an introduction into ...
Artificial Intelligence in Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing
Artificial Intelligence in Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing
Introduction Nowadays, we see the application of artificial intelligence in many places, whether we are a student in a university or an engineer working in an industrial company. Artificial intelligence ...
Laser Interferometers Detect Gravitational Waves
Laser Interferometers Detect Gravitational Waves
Talking to one another or throwing a rock in a still pond will create waves that affect the mass around the epicenter, creating peaks and troughs. Similar to sound or water waves, gravitational waves are ...