Search Results for: spectroscopy

Raman Thermometry: Measuring Temperature at Micro-Scale
Raman Thermometry: Measuring Temperature at Micro-Scale
Why Measuring Temperatures at Micro-Scale is so Difficult? Scaling temperature measurement techniques from the macro- to micro-scale proves quite difficult due to the evasiveness of temperature sensing ...
Quantum Entanglement for Medical Imaging: Advancing Cancer Diagnosis
Quantum Entanglement for Medical Imaging: Advancing Cancer Diagnosis
Ever wondered how quantum entanglement for medical imaging might help in cancer diagnosis? In recent years, there has been increasing concern about the spread of cancer in aging Western societies. Various ...
Four Gold Standards for Measuring Ligand-Binding Affinity
Four Gold Standards for Measuring Ligand-Binding Affinity
Introduction to Ligand-Binding Affinity Ligand-bound complexes are the basis of many reactions in biochemistry and pharmacology. Millions of these biochemical reactions take place in a human body every ...
How will Optical Fiber Probes Shape the Future of Medicine?
How will Optical Fiber Probes Shape the Future of Medicine?
How often do we think about the importance of optical fiber probes in biomedical applications? When we think of optical engineering applications in the medical field, we often think of lasers, MRI ...
Supercontinuum Lasers: Discovery and Applications
Supercontinuum Lasers: Discovery and Applications
Introduction Supercontinuum lasers are a special type of lasers that emit an extremely wide and continuous spectrum of light. When they were first invented, these lasers were known as the “white-light” ...
STED Microscopy: Turning Molecules Off And On
STED Microscopy: Turning Molecules Off And On
Stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED) is a popular super-resolution microscopy technique that researchers use to magnify microscopic organic compounds and proteins. This method is superior to ...
HWG and PIR Fibers: CO2 Laser Beam Delivery Resolved
HWG and PIR Fibers: CO2 Laser Beam Delivery Resolved
Introduction In this article we will discuss the use of HWG and PIR fibers for CO2 and CO laser beam delivery. Since their invention over half a century ago, CO2 and CO lasers have attracted the attention ...
Deformable Mirrors and “Fake” Stars in Space Photography
Deformable Mirrors and “Fake” Stars in Space Photography
Why do We Need Deformable Mirrors? Deformable mirrors are specialty mirrors that are capable of deforming their reflective surface and thus achieve wavefront correction of optical aberrations. In astronomy ...
Photonics and Heart Disease: Alternate Combat Approach
Photonics and Heart Disease: Alternate Combat Approach
Introduction It’s no secret that heart disease is still one of the leading causes of death in the United States. However, the numbers may surprise you. For example, did you know that someone dies every 36 ...
Neural Imaging with Visible Light: Intrinsic Signal
Neural Imaging with Visible Light: Intrinsic Signal
Recent advances in neural imaging (or neuroimaging) techniques may pave the way for better treatment of neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and next-generation applications in fields ...