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AOTF – Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter System
An Acousto-Optic tunable filter (AOTF) is a pass-band transmission filter, which exploits the acousto-optic interaction inside an anisotropic medium. AOTF is generally fabricated in Tellurium Dioxide, ...
Ultrafast pump-probe force microscopy
Ultrafast pump-probe force microscopy constitutes a non-optical detection technique with nanoscale resolution that pushes pump-probe sensitivities close to the realm of single molecule studies. Optical ...
Pantec – Leading Automation and Metrology Since 1990
Founded in 1990, Pantec is based in Liechtenstein and is a leading supplier of products, services and solutions for industrial applications and instrumentation for the field of machinery and medical ...
A Chip-Scale Workbench for Quantum Computing
Stewart Wills Scientists in the United Kingdom and Japan have fabricated a glass chip with an optical waveguide circuit that’s capable of implementing a universal set of linear optical transformations—and ...
Laser World of Photonics India 2015: Lasers lead in auto manufacturing
Laser World of Photonics India is coming up with its 4th edition from 09–11 September 2015 in Delhi.The trade fair is an important gateway for the growth and use of lasers and photonics in the different ...
How Tiny Ribbons of Graphene Could Power a Faster Transistor
Researchers demonstrate a promising new approach to manufacturing a crucial form of graphene. By Mike Orcutt on August 13, 2015 High-quality graphene nanoribbons can now be grown directly on a conventional ...
Glass paint could keep metal roofs and other structures cool even on sunny days
Sunlight can be brutal. It wears down even the strongest structures, including rooftops and naval ships, and it heats up metal slides and bleachers until they’re too hot to use. To fend off damage and heat ...
A Step Toward Practical Plasmonic Chips?
Optoelectronics researchers in Russia have proposed a new design for a fast plasmonic chip, with the potential to dramatically cut the large energy losses that have typically blocked practical use of such ...