Search Results for: energy sensors

Photonics in Medicine: Top 5 Biomedical Impacts
Photonics in Medicine: Top 5 Biomedical Impacts
Researchers began manipulating laser technologies to use in scientific research long time ago. Which began as abstract exploration of the behavior of light and its interaction with nature, soon turned into ...
Gold Nanoparticle Laser Therapy in the Fight Against MDR Bacteria
Gold Nanoparticle Laser Therapy in the Fight Against MDR Bacteria
The rise of multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria has become a big issue in modern day medicine. With globalization and frequent travel creating the perfect conditions for disease spreading (as we see today ...
Fluorescence Microscopy: Multiphoton and Other Techniques
Fluorescence Microscopy: Multiphoton and Other Techniques
Fluorescence Microscopy is a Light Microscopy technique that utilizes fluorescence and phosphorescence to capture images of organic or inorganic structures. It is one of the most common instruments in ...
OLED Production: Composition and Color Patterning Techniques
OLED Production: Composition and Color Patterning Techniques
Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) are most famously known for their use in foldable smart phone displays. From the Samsung Galaxy Fold to the Huawei Mate X (2019), these devices offer huge screens that ...
LADAR (Laser Radar Systems) for 3-D Active Detection
LADAR (Laser Radar Systems) for 3-D Active Detection
The first radar systems were developed in 1935 by the German military. The term RADAR (Radio Detection And Ranging) was coined in 1940 by the U.S. navy. It was used during WWII to detect missiles, ships, ...
Perfect Solar Panels Require Perfect Lasers
Perfect Solar Panels Require Perfect Lasers
Introduction Solar energy is an industry that has gained passionate and widespread support, given its environmental impact. Solar is key to providing sustainable energy and weaning humanity’s dependence on ...
Surface Plasmon Resonance: Smartphone Senses Temperature
Surface Plasmon Resonance: Smartphone Senses Temperature
Introducing Surface Plasmon Resonance Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is an optical detection technique commonly used to study biomolecular interactions. SPR is highly-sensitive to changes in the ...
Superconductor Spectroscopy Devices and Single Photon Detectors
Superconductor Spectroscopy Devices and Single Photon Detectors
Introduction to Superconductors (Traditional) Superconductivity was first discovered in 1911 by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes when he found Mercury to have an abrupt drop in electrical resistance at a temperature ...
Semiconductor Nanowire Photodetectors and Lasers
Semiconductor Nanowire Photodetectors and Lasers
Nanowires are truly one-dimensional structures that are long in one direction and short on the lateral dimension. This dimensional reduction gives rise to interesting new phenomena such as quantized ...
Nanophotonics: Big Developments In a Small World
Nanophotonics: Big Developments In a Small World
  An Introduction to Nanophotonics: Something Big from Something Small In recent years there has been a lot of work with nanophotonics in optical physics and engineering. This is a part of the rising ...