Search Results for: medical lasers

Terahertz Sources: Advanced Guide
Terahertz Sources: Advanced Guide
Definition and Scope of Terahertz Sources and Radiation (0.1 THz to 10 THz): Terahertz (THz) radiation, occupying the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and infrared light, encompasses frequencies ...
Plate Beamsplitters: The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide
Plate Beamsplitters: The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide
In the intricate realm of optical engineering and photonics, plate beamsplitters stand as quintessential components, pivotal in the manipulation and analysis of light paths. These planar, optically coated ...
Neutral Density Filters: A Comprehensive Guide
Neutral Density Filters: A Comprehensive Guide
In the vast realm of optical tools, few are as indispensable to professionals as the Neutral Density Filters. Whether it’s an astronomer seeking to reduce the brilliance of celestial bodies or an ...
Dichroic Mirrors Explained: A Comprehensive Guide
Dichroic Mirrors Explained: A Comprehensive Guide
Dichroic mirrors serve a pivotal role in modern optics by offering precise control over light based on its wavelength. By selectively reflecting and transmitting specific wavelengths, they facilitate a ...
Diffractive Optical Elements: A Comprehensive Guide
Diffractive Optical Elements: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction Diffractive Optical Elements (DOEs) represent a pivotal advancement in the realm of optics and photonics, revolutionizing the way light is manipulated and harnessed. These intricate optical ...
The Evolution of Mid-Infrared Beam Delivery Methods
The Evolution of Mid-Infrared Beam Delivery Methods
Introduction In this article we will discuss the evolution of mid-infrared beam delivery methods. Since their development in the 1950s, optical fibers have been fundamental to the world of modern ...
Laser Depaneling: Brief Introductory Guide
Laser Depaneling: Brief Introductory Guide
What exactly is Laser Depaneling? In today’s blog post we’ll discuss just about all you need to know about Laser Depaneling.  A Basic Intro to Laser Depaneling Lingo Before we get into the standard ...
Multiphoton Microscopy on Zebrafish
Multiphoton Microscopy on Zebrafish
Currently there is development in the biomedical sphere surrounding a very well documented species: Zebrafish. One benefit of studying these fish is the insight on neural development literally visible in ...
Selective Laser Melting and Fatigue Features of Steels
Selective Laser Melting and Fatigue Features of Steels
Introduction and motivation Additive manufacturing (AM) is the method of creating products from digital 3D models by fusing together successive layers of materials. Without the need for additional tooling, ...
Nanomedicine: Applications of Quantum Dots
Nanomedicine: Applications of Quantum Dots
Introduction Humankind has had its eyes on the microscopic world for centuries. Jonathan Swift illustrated the fantastically tiny world of the Lilliputians in his classic novel, Gulliver’s Travels. Dr. ...