Search Results for: spectroscopy

Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Medical Imaging and Therapy
Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Medical Imaging and Therapy
Non-linear techniques in photonics have opened up new avenues for sensing and manipulating materials. In the 1960s, non-linear techniques were used to discover multiphoton absorption processes in ...
Optical Myography: Detecting Hand Posture by Looking at Forearm
Optical Myography: Detecting Hand Posture by Looking at Forearm
Optical myography is a technique that visually inspects the human forearm to determine the hand posture. Hand posture is a communication element as important as the language itself. Human hand gesture ...
Diode Laser Array: Delivering High Power Outputs by Combining Stacks
Diode Laser Array: Delivering High Power Outputs by Combining Stacks
High power lasers are used in the industry routinely for cutting, drilling, welding and micromachining materials. They have also found applications in medicine where tissue needs to be cut or heated. The ...
Visual SLAM: Sensor Application in Autonomous Mobile Robots
Visual SLAM: Sensor Application in Autonomous Mobile Robots
Visual SLAM is now a trending approach in autonomous mobile robot development. Mobile robot is the one capable of transporting itself from place to place. For example, the first mobile robot emerged as a ...
Mode-Locked Lasers Improved With Graphene Technology
Mode-Locked Lasers Improved With Graphene Technology
Ever since graphene sheets were isolated from bulk graphite in 2004, two-dimensional materials have received an immense amount of interest for their unexpected and novel electronic and optical properties. ...
Medical Lasers: A Guide to Various Effects and Choices
Medical Lasers: A Guide to Various Effects and Choices
The first medical application of lasers was reported by Goldman in 1962. In cardiovascular surgery, McGuff first used a Ruby laser in 1963 for the experimental ablation of atherosclerotic plaques. After a ...
Surface Emitting Lasers: Types and Applications in Sensing
Surface Emitting Lasers: Types and Applications in Sensing
Since the first demonstration of the laser in 1960, people have endeavored to make lasers more compact. Semiconductor lasers achieved this desired compactness employing so called heterostructures. This ...
A Novel Adaptive Optics System For The Very Large Telescope
A Novel Adaptive Optics System For The Very Large Telescope
The Very Large Telescope – located in northern Chile- is one of the world’s most advanced optical instruments.  The VLT consists of four unit telescopes capable of high-resolution spectroscopy and ...
Nonlinear Effects Using Slow Light With Integrated Photonics
Nonlinear Effects Using Slow Light With Integrated Photonics
Light travels at the speed of around 186,000 miles per second. This tremendous speed has enabled us to use light for telecommunication systems with low losses. Engineers are constantly driven to develop ...
Photonic Crystal Fibers for Sensing Applications
Photonic Crystal Fibers for Sensing Applications
Crystals are periodic structures in space. They are used in the electronics industry to control and manipulate electrons. These structures create energy gaps by allowing only electrons with certain ...