Search Results for: spectroscopy

Optimizing 3D Body Scanning for Research and Industry
Optimizing 3D Body Scanning for Research and Industry
3D body scanning lends itself to a wide variety of fields. Healthcare professionals can use body scans to make 3D printed prosthetics, animation studios can use body scans for highly-accurate portraits, ...
Neural Networks for Real-Time Sensing of Particle Pollution
Neural Networks for Real-Time Sensing of Particle Pollution
The Impact of Particle Pollution Environmental pollution is directly linked to a long list of health problems including asthma, decreased lung function, and cardiovascular disease. A study conducted by a ...
Fiber Optics’ Exciting New Role in Renewable Energy
Fiber Optics’ Exciting New Role in Renewable Energy
In our blog we have discussed fiber optics and its applications that become increasingly present in our daily lives. As a means of communications in high-speed data transmission fiber optics made our world ...
Optical Frequency Combs for Molecular Fingerprinting
Optical Frequency Combs for Molecular Fingerprinting
Researchers at the University of Colorado, Boulder have been experimenting with laser sources called optical frequency combs to find a new way of studying molecular structures. Frequency combs get their ...
Optical Innovations in Water Optimization and Agriculture
Optical Innovations in Water Optimization and Agriculture
Optical technology has had a huge impact on our everyday lives. Sensational inventions like the self-driving car, Wi-Fi connected home appliances and automated assembly lines all use optical fibers or ...
Calvarial Fracture Imaging Using Raman Spectrometry
Calvarial Fracture Imaging Using Raman Spectrometry
Scientists from the City University of Hong Kong’s Department of Physics revolutionized calvarial fracture imaging through the use of Raman spectroscopy. By allowing these defects to be imaged, the ...
Laser Speckle Strain Imaging: A New Method to Study Delayed Fractures
Laser Speckle Strain Imaging: A New Method to Study Delayed Fractures
A team of researchers from the Wageningen University in the Netherlands has devised a new method of imaging solids as stress is applied to them. This method, called laser speckle strain imaging, reveals ...
Dynamic Laparoscopic Graspers For Minimally Invasive Surgery
Dynamic Laparoscopic Graspers For Minimally Invasive Surgery
Developers at Briteseed, a biotechnology company in Illinois, devised a handheld prototype that they say will make it significantly easier for surgeons to locate blood vessels during minimally invasive ...
Ultrafast Fiber Lasers: A Novel Approach
Ultrafast Fiber Lasers: A Novel Approach
Researchers at Cornell, Colorado State, and Kapteyn-Murnane Laboratories believe ultrafast fiber lasers could hold an abundance of untapped potential. The collaborative research team published a proposal ...
Intravascular Imaging: Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Catheters for Clinical Use
Intravascular Imaging: Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Catheters for Clinical Use
A team of researchers from the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands optimized the use of intravascular imaging in the detection of coronary artery diseases via catheters. They ...