Search Results for: sensor data

Light Injection in Waveguide Connected Microdisks (WCM)
Light Injection in Waveguide Connected Microdisks (WCM)
Researchers from the Harbin Institute of Technology at Shenzhen and Shanxi University have created a new configuration for waveguide connected microdisks (WCM). Their method could significantly reduce ...
Clear Lenses as Efficient Ocular Protection against UV Exposure
Clear Lenses as Efficient Ocular Protection against UV Exposure
A joint team of researchers from the University of Tuebingen in Germany and Carl Zeiss Vision explore the efficiency of clear lenses as forms of ocular protection against UV light in a recently published ...
Optical Gyroscopes: Measuring Rotational Changes With Sagnac Effect
Optical Gyroscopes: Measuring Rotational Changes With Sagnac Effect
Gyroscopes are devices that measure rotational changes. On first mention, most people picture the beautifully rotating classical mechanical gyroscope. Although widely used till the late 1900s, optical ...
Futuristic Farming: Photonics Technologies in Land and Crops
Futuristic Farming: Photonics Technologies in Land and Crops
Photonics Technologies in Farming Farmers everywhere face the same daunting task: the world population is growing at an exponential rate, and food supply has to keep up. There is practical limits to a ...
Where Electronics Meets Optics: Electro-Optics, a Dynamic Duo
Where Electronics Meets Optics: Electro-Optics, a Dynamic Duo
What is Electro-Optics? In the last 20 years or so, the field of electro-optics has become increasingly important. It is often challenging to predict the future of scientific discoveries and their relevant ...
Spectroscopy Imaging: Measuring Light for Research and Industry
Spectroscopy Imaging: Measuring Light for Research and Industry
Introduction to Spectroscopy Imaging We have discussed many applications of spectrometers, but how do we attain the final spectral image to analyze? Spectrometers contain varying types of imaging systems ...
Photonics Meets Forensic Science: No Such Thing as The Perfect Crime
Photonics Meets Forensic Science: No Such Thing as The Perfect Crime
Forensic science has come a long way since the 700s, when the Chinese first established the concept of utilizing fingerprints as means of identification. Since then, technology in photonics and optics ...
Hyperspectral Imaging: Spectral Analysis in 3 Dimensions
Hyperspectral Imaging: Spectral Analysis in 3 Dimensions
What is Hyperspectral Imaging? Imagine an iPhone app that could help you choose the best produce, the ripest fruit, or determine if the vegetables you are about to buy are truly organic. Well, it turns out ...
Gas Analysis Methods: Accurate Results Out of Thin Air
Gas Analysis Methods: Accurate Results Out of Thin Air
What is Gas Analysis? Gases are all around us. While some gases have noticeable odors, most are virtually undetectable by human senses. Gas detection first became a concern when certain gases proved to ...