Search Results for: beam

RADAR and LiDAR for Remote Sensing and Object Tracking
RADAR and LiDAR for Remote Sensing and Object Tracking
Both LiDAR and RADAR are well-established methods of detection and remote sensing. Some systems benefit from using radar while others are better served using LiDAR. In some cases, the two techniques may ...
Interferometric and Non-Interferometric Setups for Testing Optical Surfaces
Interferometric and Non-Interferometric Setups for Testing Optical Surfaces
Testing the quality of optical surfaces can reveal defects and imperfections in optical surfaces. These imperfections can induce aberrations in optical systems. Consequently, identifying to what extent the ...
Lasers In Dental Surgeries: A Replacement for Drills?
Lasers In Dental Surgeries: A Replacement for Drills?
When having a dentist appointment, drills, brushes, and x-rays are all things that come to mind. Lasers, however, are not the number one apparatus thought of when sitting back in the chair. This is because ...
Laser Levels used in Construction and Landscaping
Laser Levels used in Construction and Landscaping
One of the benefits of lasers are their versatility. They are useful far beyond the bounds of the traditional scientific realm. One of these more ‘non-traditional’ places to find lasers would be in ...
Electronic Readers: Using Lighting For A New Wave of Books
Electronic Readers: Using Lighting For A New Wave of Books
Today’s blog post is sponsored by Gentec-EO– a leader for all your laser beam measurements. Electronic readers, more commonly known as E-Readers, have grown in popularity since they give users easy access ...
Overfishing: How To Mitigate It With Lights And Lasers
Overfishing: How To Mitigate It With Lights And Lasers
The Dilemma of Overfishing The phrase, “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” explains how teaching can be much more valuable for someone, as ...
Fiber Lasers: Following their Rise from Invention to Today
Fiber Lasers: Following their Rise from Invention to Today
Fibers lasers are a very commonly used type of laser. Whether they are being used for communication purposes, materials processing, or medicine, they have come a long way from their humble beginning. This ...
Applying Holographic Optical Technology to Virtual Reality
Applying Holographic Optical Technology to Virtual Reality
The Beginnings of Virtual Reality The definition of virtual reality (VR) has changed throughout history. In 1929, the first iteration of a flight simulator was invented. This allowed pilots to train, ...
Optical Trapping: Method Used in Atomic Cooling Experiments
Optical Trapping: Method Used in Atomic Cooling Experiments
Optical trapping is a way of cooling atoms to the point where they are no longer in motion—or are trapped. One may instantly think of optical tweezers when hearing the mention of optical trapping. While ...
Detector Types: What to use for Measuring Optical Power
Detector Types: What to use for Measuring Optical Power
Having the proper detector is just as important (if not more so) as having the proper laser source. Determining which type of detector best suits one’s needs is essential to successfully report the most ...