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Fiber Optics in Medicine: Transforming Healthcare
Fiber Optics in Medicine: Transforming Healthcare
In recent decades, fiber optics has emerged as a transformative technology in the field of modern medicine. Its applications range from diagnostics to therapeutics, offering exceptional capabilities in ...
Fiber Optic Probes in PAT: Enhancing Real-Time Process Analytics
Fiber Optic Probes in PAT: Enhancing Real-Time Process Analytics
In this article we delve into the transformative role of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) and fiber optics in modern manufacturing, spotlighting their impact on efficiency, quality, and real-time ...
ZBLAN Fibers Made in Space May Rival Silica Fibers
ZBLAN Fibers Made in Space May Rival Silica Fibers
Optical fibers have become an integral part of the telecommunications industry, as well as the photonics market. While silica fibers are most commonly used for such applications, there may be a better ...
Fiber Bragg Grating Ultrasonic Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring
Fiber Bragg Grating Ultrasonic Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring
It turns out Fiber Bragg Gratings have a noteworthy application in aerospace industry that we will explore today together. Because of their phenomenal optical multiplexing capabilities they can act as ...
Bionic Limb Advancements with Fiber Optics and Light Detection
Bionic Limb Advancements with Fiber Optics and Light Detection
Introduction   Bionic limbs exist in a number of books, movies, and TV shows. Science fiction fans will remember the Steve Austin’s Bionic Arm from his role in The Six Million Dollar Man. Even ...
Shape Reconstruction Methods in Continuum Robot
Shape Reconstruction Methods in Continuum Robot
In recent medical research fields, continuum robot is becoming a prevalent topic because it can traverse confined spaces and manipulate objects in complex environments due to its compliant structure. With ...
Medical Lasers: A Guide to Various Effects and Choices
Medical Lasers: A Guide to Various Effects and Choices
The first medical application of lasers was reported by Goldman in 1962. In cardiovascular surgery, McGuff first used a Ruby laser in 1963 for the experimental ablation of atherosclerotic plaques. After a ...
Fiber Optics’ Exciting New Role in Renewable Energy
Fiber Optics’ Exciting New Role in Renewable Energy
In our blog we have discussed fiber optics and its applications that become increasingly present in our daily lives. As a means of communications in high-speed data transmission fiber optics made our world ...
Fiber Optic Polarizers: Better Quality Light for Optical Applications
Fiber Optic Polarizers: Better Quality Light for Optical Applications
  Introduction to Fiber Optic Polarizers Fiber optics cables are a common and extremely efficient method for data transmission and light guiding applications. Complete fiber optic networks can transmit ...
Fiber Optic Technology: Introducing High-Speed Data Exchange
Fiber Optic Technology: Introducing High-Speed Data Exchange
Introduction While often considered a rather new technology, the concept behind fiber optics has actually been around since the 1840’s, when Swiss physicist Daniel Colladon discovered he could shine ...