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Optical Neural Networks: The Future of Deep Learning?
Optical Neural Networks: The Future of Deep Learning?
Optical Neural Networks can revolutionize data science. The current state of data science places a heavy emphasis on large quantities of data, which are widely available due to increased computational ...
Laser-Aided Additive Manufacturing by Machine Learning
Laser-Aided Additive Manufacturing by Machine Learning
Introduction to laser-aided additive manufacturing We usually use a powerful laser beam in laser-aided additive manufacturing (LAAM), also known as Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) or Directed Energy ...
Disk Laser Welding of Thick Plates Using Machine Learning
Disk Laser Welding of Thick Plates Using Machine Learning
Introduction We frequently use disk laser welding in the manufacturing sector (e.g., see Figure 1). The laser beam interacts with the material to carry the welding energy, with the result that some of the ...
Neural Networks for Real-Time Sensing of Particle Pollution
Neural Networks for Real-Time Sensing of Particle Pollution
The Impact of Particle Pollution Environmental pollution is directly linked to a long list of health problems including asthma, decreased lung function, and cardiovascular disease. A study conducted by a ...