abberior: Empowering Breakthrough Microscopy - Unleash the Power of Super-Resolution Imaging for Scientific Advancements.
Abberior Instruments GmbH
Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 1
Göttingen, 37077, Germany
Phone: +49-551-9995-4010
abberior Instruments America LLC
1 Max Planck Way
Jupiter, FL 33458 USA
Phone: +1-301-661-0078
Abberior Instruments GmbH
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Abberior Instruments GmbH

abberior is a pioneering company in the field of super-resolution and confocal microscopy, founded as a spin-off from Prof. Stefan W. Hell's laboratory. With a commitment to advancing life sciences, abberior has become a world-leading innovator and manufacturer of cutting-edge microscopes, dyes, and labels.

As the exclusive manufacturer of super-resolution microscopes, abberior specializes in developing and selling proprietary fluorescent dyes and labels ideally suited for advanced microscopy techniques such as STED, MINFLUX, GSD, PALM, STORM, GSDIM, SIM, and RESOLFT. These solutions provide outstanding results in both super-resolution and confocal microscopy as well as single-molecule applications. The company's mission is to be the leading supplier of fluorescent labels for super-resolution microscopy.

abberior's unique position as a company 100% owned, managed, and controlled by scientists ensures a commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. The team's extensive research experience in super-resolution microscopy allows them to offer state-of-the-art fluorophore labels for the most demanding applications.

Founded in 2011 and 2012, abberior GmbH and abberior Instruments GmbH have deep roots in the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany. The company has expanded its locations worldwide, with headquarters in Germany and the USA.

With a dedication to excellence, abberior collaborates with world-class scientists and inventors, offering powerful imaging solutions and continuous upgrades. Their commitment to providing the best technology ensures customers won't get stuck with outdated systems.

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