Quality beyond the Earth's limits - optical components for research and industry manufactured with cosmic precision.
Head Quarters
Kalvarijų str. 125, Vilnius, 08221 Lithuania
Vilnius, Lithuania
Phone: +37061147000

Alien Photonics

Alien Photonics provides advanced optical products and solutions. Company is known for delivering complex, high-precision optical components tailored to the needs of institutes, universities, laser manufacturers, quantum photonics developers, and other cutting-edge photonics companies.

Our mission is to be the trusted partner for organizations seeking innovative, reliable optical solutions that meet the highest standards of performance and quality.


The key product groups are:

Laser Optics:


Laser Line Mirrors (HR):  Nd:YAG, Yb:YAG, Ti:Sapphirecustom laser line;

Dual Band Mirrors (DBHR): Nd:YAG, Yb:YAG, Ti:Sapphirecustom dual-band;

Broadband Mirrors (DBHR): Dielectric broadband mirrors, metallic mirrors (Gold, Silver, Aluminum);

Beamsplitters: partial reflectors, wavelength separators, NPBS plates and cubes;

Not-coated optics: Windows for UV-VIS-NIR or IR, Wedges, Prisms.


Standard waveplates: True-zero-order, Effective-zero-order, Low and Multiple order;

Advanced waveplates: Dual wavelength, Achromatic (Broadband), High Energy and custom;

Polarizing beamsplitter (PBS) cubes: Standard PBS Cubes, High Energy PBS Cubes, Broadband PBS Cubes;

Thin Film Polarizer (TFP) plates: Brewster-type TFP, Custom angle TFP.


Converging: Plano-Convex (Spherical or Cylindrical), Double Convex, Positive Meniscus;

Diverging:  Plano-Concave (Spherical or Cylindrical), Double Concave, Negative Meniscus;

Advanced Lenses: Aspheric, Conical.


Alien Photonics also offers polishing, thin film coating and metrology services.





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