Full Spectrum Laser: Empowering Imagination with Cutting-Edge Laser Technology for Design and Creation.
Full Spectrum Laser LLC
6216 S Sandhill Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89120 USA
Phone: +1 (702) 802-3100

Full Spectrum Laser

Full Spectrum Laser is a leading company that specializes in laser cutting and laser engraving systems. With a mission to enable the design and creation of beautiful physical objects, they have been at the forefront of laser technology since 2008. Their commitment to affordable and user-friendly technology reflects their belief in a better tomorrow.

With over 10 years of experience and a dedicated team of engineers, salespeople, marketers, and operations personnel, Full Spectrum Laser ensures that their products deliver reliable performance. They design all electronics, software, and mechanical hardware in-house, allowing for tight alignment and integration of engineering disciplines.

The company offers a wide range of laser systems, from desktop units to high-volume machines and industrial-grade production equipment. Their machines are trusted by various customers, including grade schools, National Labs, garage startups, and Fortune 500 companies worldwide.

Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, Full Spectrum Laser takes pride in being an American company. Their facilities in the US provide several advantages, including quality control, customer support, and proximity to their customers.