Lumibird: Pioneering Laser Technologies for Industry, Defense, Medical, and Beyond. Your Vision, Our Innovation, Laser Precision.
2 rue Paul Sabatier
22300 Lannion, FRANCE
Phone: +33 2 96 05 08 00


Lumibird is a leading specialist in laser technologies, formed through the merger of Keopsys and the Quantel Group in October 2017. Renamed Lumibird Group in May 2018, it comprises two divisions: Photonics and Medical.

The Photonics division integrates Keopsys, Quantel, SensUp, and Halo Photonics, delivering cutting-edge lasers for industrial, defense, scientific, and medical applications. They also offer LiDAR systems for remote sensing and range finding. In the Medical division, Lumibird provides innovative solutions spanning medical diagnosis to laser treatments.

Lumibird Group boasts solid-state lasers, high-power laser diodes, fiber lasers, amplifiers, and photonics solutions. The company is listed on Euronext and is a major player in the European laser sector.

Under the leadership of CEO Marc Le Flohic, Lumibird aims to serve customers with innovative products aligned to their evolving needs. The organization is dedicated to growth and progress, positioning itself as a key player in the laser industry.