P-Laser: Pioneering Precision and Sustainability. Transforming Industries with Advanced Laser Cleaning Solutions. Cleaner, Greener, Efficient Production.
Lochtemanweg 88
Heusden-Zolder, 3550, Belgium
Phone: +32-11-82-26-20


P-Laser, with over 35 years of expertise in surface treatment and 350 global installations, pioneers advanced industrial laser cleaning solutions. Headquartered in Heusden-Zolder, Belgium, we engineer the world's most cutting-edge laser cleaning equipment for both manual and automated applications.

Our laser cleaning technology offers precision, cost-effectiveness, and environmental cleanliness, surpassing traditional methods like chemical cleaning or abrasive blasting. Embracing sustainable production, we reduce quality issues and enhance productivity, fostering a cleaner, more efficient manufacturing environment.

Our commitment, "Empowering People Through Laser Technology," encapsulates our dedication to creating tools for a better work environment and a sustainable planet. Explore our laser cleaning applications, FAQs, and understand how laser cleaning works.

Join P-Laser at events like ANTWERP XL, where our virtual reality experience showcases laser cleaning systems. Stay tuned for our upcoming product, QF Outdoor, designed for robust performance in challenging environments.

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