Testo Rus: Your trusted partner for cutting-edge measurement solutions and exceptional service in Russia. Discover excellence today!
Testo Ltd.
Zvyozdny Boulevard, 223bld10
Moscow, Russian Federtion
Phone: +7-495-532-35-00
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Testo Rus, a branch of the renowned Testo SE headquartered in Titisee, Black Forest, stands as a leader in measurement technologies. With a global footprint spanning 37 subsidiaries and over 80 distributors, Testo delivers high-precision measuring instruments and innovative solutions to more than 650,000 users worldwide. Founded in 1957, Testo has achieved remarkable growth, boasting a turnover exceeding 400 million euros annually. A testament to its success lies in its continuous investment in research and development, accounting for approximately 10% of its turnover.

Testo's products are designed to optimize efficiency, protect the environment and human health, and enhance product and service quality. The company's dedication to excellence is underscored by numerous awards and milestones attained throughout its 60-year history. Testo Rus, located in Moscow, Russia, serves as a vital hub for delivering Testo's cutting-edge measurement solutions and exceptional service to customers in the region.

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