Page 2 - Fiber Bragg Grating

Apodized FBG is a wavelength-reflecting optical device produced by ultraviolet light and phase mask inscription on the optical fiber. It is a basic optical fiber sensing element and is widely used in the fields of optical communication and sensing. AtGrating adopts advanced production technology and Apodized technology to mass ...


Center Wavelength Range: 1460-1610nm
FBG Length: From 1mm to 20mm
Reflectivity: <=1%
Wavelength Tolerance: +/-0.5 nm
Bandwidth (FWHM): 0.1~1.2 nm
The wavelength of pump laser diode is varied at different operating temperatures. Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) Wavelength Locker with low reflectivity is used to stabilize the wavelength and intensity of EDFA pump laser. It can stabilize the channel wavelength to ITU-T Grid standard wavelength in DWDM systems, network monitoring and ...


Center Wavelength Range: 940-1070nm
FBG Length: 1 mm, 15 mm, 10 mm, 5 mm, 3 mm
Reflectivity: >1%
Center Wavelength: 940, 972-978, 1064, 1070 nm
Wavelength Tolerance: +/-0.25 nm
Long Period Fiber Grating (LPFG) is formed by the periodic refractive index modulation in the fiber axis, and its period is generally larger than 100µm. Its coupling mechanism is: the fundamental mode of the fiber core transmitted forward is coupled into the cladding mode of the forward transmission of several specific ...


Center Wavelength Range: 1530-1625nm
FBG Length: >25 mm, 25 mm, 20 mm
Reflectivity: Not Specified
Transmission Loss: >90 %
Bandwidth (FWHM): 1~3 nm
Athermal Packaged FBG is a method of compensating the temperature coefficient of fiber grating with a negative temperature coefficient packaging sleeve. It uses a material that does not have a negative temperature coefficient. The encapsulation sleeve can just fully compensate the wavelength drift caused by the temperature change of ...


Center Wavelength Range: 1460-1610nm
FBG Length: 1 mm, 15 mm, 10 mm, 5 mm, 3 mm
Reflectivity: 3 - 90%
Bandwidth (FWHM): >0.2 nm
Insertion Loss: <0.2 dB
The tunable fiber gratings are based on our innovative patented tuning technology that utilizes pure compressive strain tuning to achieve a large wavelength tuning range.The fiber grating tuner is designed to tune the wavelength of various types of fiber grating including fiber Bragg grating, phase-shifted fiber grating, or long ...


Center Wavelength Range: 1060-2000nm
FBG Length: Custom
Reflectivity: 30 - 99%
Wavelength Tuning Range:: >20 nm ~ 50nm
Tunable FBG is a good solution for many applications including where corrected central Bragg wavelength is necessary. Central wavelength of FBG strongly depends on applied stresses. The mechanics induced strain to the FBG shifting linearly its central wavelength. Relative strain sensitivity of FBGs wavelength is 0.78 10-6 ...


Center Wavelength Range: 600-2300nm
FBG Length: Custom
Reflectivity: Not Specified
SLSR, DB: › 8
Types Of Fiber: Single-Mode, PM, Double clad, LMA
Fiber Bragg Gratings are sensitive to changes in temperature. Their thermo sensitivity is about 6.7 ppm/ ⁰K (+0.11 pm/ ⁰K at wavelength 1550 nm).


Center Wavelength Range: 600-2300nm
FBG Length: Custom
Reflectivity: Not Specified
Types Of Fiber: Single-Mode, PM, Double clad, LMA
Thermal Wavelength Stability (0 ÷ +70 ֩C), Nm: < 0.16
The Wavelength Locker FBGs are used as external reflectors for laser diodes. It is easy to stabilize wavelength generation of pump semiconductor lasers and single frequency lasers by using such FBGs. Low reflection gratings with FWHM 0.3 ÷ 0.8 nm and reflectivity 2 ÷ 5 % are ideal for pump power lasers stabilization. ...


Center Wavelength Range: 400-2300nm
FBG Length: Custom
Reflectivity: 3 - 90%
FBG Recoating: None, Acrilate, Polyimide, Aluminium, Copper
Types Of Fiber: Single-Mode, PM, Double clad
Femtosecond FBGs can be made into all optical transparent fiber materials with a broad range of fiber coatings without stripping the coating from fiber and without the need of recoating in future.


Center Wavelength Range: 400-2300nm
FBG Length: Custom
Reflectivity: Not Specified
Reflectivity, %: 0.01 ÷ 95
SLSR, DB: ‹ 8 ÷ 25
The apodized FBGs have special profile of induced refractive index modulation and grating strength along the grating length. Therefore, side lobes level becomes smaller in compared to ordinary gratings. There are a lot of apodization profiles which lead to the optimization of various FBG parameters such as strength, FWHM, SLSR, the ...


Center Wavelength Range: 633-2300nm
FBG Length: Custom
Reflectivity: Not Specified
Reflectivity, %: 5 ÷99
Chirp Rate, Nm/cm: 0.01 ÷ 25
Fiber Bragg Gratings have many applications in optical communication, laser technique and sensing systems. The FBGs are widely used like in-fiber mirrors or optical filters with narrow band optical spectrum. FBGs can be used like a sensitive element for strain and temperature measuring.


Center Wavelength Range: 600-2300nm
FBG Length: Custom
Reflectivity: Not Specified
Reflectivity, % (Low-reflection(LR)): 5 ÷ 40
Reflectivity, % (High-reflection(HR)): › 99
Fiber Bragg Gratings have many applications in optical communication, laser technique and sensing systems. The FBGs are widely used in-fiber mirrors and optical filters with narrow band optical spectrum. FBGs can be used as a sensitive element for strain and temperature measurements.


Center Wavelength Range: 600-2300nm
FBG Length: Custom
Reflectivity: Not Specified
SLSR, DB : ‹ 8 ÷ 25
Reflectivity, %: 50 ÷ 99
Fiber Bragg Gratings have many applications in optical communication, laser technique and sensing systems. The FBGs are widely used in-fiber mirrors or optical filters with narrow band optical spectrum. FBGs can be used like a sensitive element for strain and temperature measuring.


Center Wavelength Range: 600-2300nm
FBG Length: Not Specified
Reflectivity: >90%
Reflectivity, %: 0.5 ÷ 99.9
Bandwidth (WFHM), Nm: 0.1 ÷ 1.2
Highly efficiently multicascaded Raman lasers based on phosphosilicate fibers can be created at different wavelength. Raman shift by 1330 cm-1 in opposite to Ge-doped fibers is approximately three times larger.  Output emission spectrum of two-cascade 1.48 µm Raman fiber laser is presented in the graph.


Center Wavelength Range: 1240-1484nm
FBG Length: Not Specified
Reflectivity: >90%
Wavelength Range, Nm: 1240,1270,1484
Types Of Fiber: Single-Mode, PM, Double clad, LMA
The Tilted FBG has an angle between wave vector of the grating and fiber axis. Therefore cladding modes resonances peaks become more intensive compared to ordinary gratings. TFBG cladding modes resonances wavelength are highly sensitive to the refractive index of the medium outside the fiber cladding. TFBGs are useful in sensing ...


Center Wavelength Range: 600-2300nm
FBG Length: Custom
Reflectivity: >90%
Tilt Angle, °: 1 ÷ 45
Reflectivity, %: 5 ÷ 99
IDIL Fibres Optiques offers tunable Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) using piezoelectric stack and electrical voltage.  A way to tune the optical wavelength (nanometer scale) of a photo-imprinted Fiber Bragg Grating is to fix it on a piezoelectric stack. When applying an electric voltage on the piezo, it creates an elongation of the ...


Center Wavelength Range: 1000-2000nm
FBG Length: From 1mm to 20mm, Custom
Reflectivity: Not Specified
Fiber Type: SM, PM, RC
Weight (typical): 10 g g