Valdor Fiber Optics Inc
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Frequently Asked Questions

Valdor's IMT Laser Pigtail is ideal for high power laser applications, active instruments, test instrumentation, interconnection, and spectroscopy.

Valdor's IMT Laser Pigtail features no epoxy / no chemicals, no fiber metallization, no soldering, no hot spots, uniform heat dissipation, and hermetic seal (10-8 SCCS Helium leak rate).

Valdor's IMT Laser Pigtail can handle a maximum power of 5 watts.

Valdor's IMT Laser Pigtail utilizes a miniature metal ferrule for its termination process by wrapping the metal tip around a fiber.

Please contact Valdor's sales office for custom specifications and order information. Their contact details are Tel: (510) 293-1212, Fax: (510) 293-9996, and Email:

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