Frequently Asked Questions

ArmD® UV-SC/NIR-SC fibers are fibers that feature high transmission values for UV through NIR wavelengths and are ideal for applications from remote illumination and spectroscopy to high power laser delivery.

The advantages of ArmD® UV-SC/NIR-SC fibers include being cost-effective (compared to silica/silica fibers), having high concentricity, a step-index profile, biocompatible material, and being sterilisable using ETO and other methods.

The advantages of using ArmD® UV-SC/NIR-SC fibers include low-attenuation transmission from UV to NIR wavelengths, being a cost-effective alternative to pure silica fibers, and suiting a wide range of applications from remote illumination to spectroscopy.

ArmD® UV-SC/NIR-SC fibers are the first choice for applications from remote illumination to spectroscopy and many more.

The operating temperature of ArmD® UV-SC/NIR-SC fibers is -40 to +150 °C.

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