
Page 5 - CCD Imaging & Spectroscopy

High Performance Digital 12bit CCD Camera
Advanced Imaging Concepts
The high performance digital 12bit CCD camera system features state of the art in CCD and electronics technology. The system consists of an ultracompact camera head, which either connects to a stabdard PCI or a compact PCI board via a high speed serial data link. The available exposure times range from 5us to 65s. ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 1392
# Pixels (Height): 1024
Pixel Size (Square): 6.45 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: 62 %
CCD e2v 231-42
Spectral Instruments
Spectral Instruments has 20+ years’ experience customizing the design of and manufacturing cameras for high end imaging applications. The design of each camera is configured and hand tuned to get the most out of that top of the line CCD appropriate for your application. Thermoelectric and cryo-cooling technology is utilized to lower ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 2064
# Pixels (Height): 2048
Pixel Size (Square): 15 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
CCD KAF 4320
Spectral Instruments
Spectral Instruments has 20+ years’ experience customizing the design of and manufacturing cameras for high end imaging applications. The design of each camera is configured and hand tuned to get the most out of that top of the line CCD appropriate for your application. Thermoelectric and cryo-cooling technology is utilized to ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 2085
# Pixels (Height): 2084
Pixel Size (Square): 24 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
CCD STA 3700
Spectral Instruments
Spectral Instruments has 20+ years’ experience customizing the design of and manufacturing cameras for high end imaging applications. The design of each camera is configured and hand tuned to get the most out of that top of the line CCD appropriate for your application. Thermoelectric and cryo-cooling technology is utilized to ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 1920
# Pixels (Height): 1920
Pixel Size (Square): 16 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
CCD KAF 16801
Spectral Instruments
Spectral Instruments has 20+ years’ experience customizing the design of and manufacturing cameras for high end imaging applications. The design of each camera is configured and hand tuned to get the most out of that top of the line CCD appropriate for your application. Thermoelectric and cryo-cooling technology is utilized to ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 4096
# Pixels (Height): 4096
Pixel Size (Square): 9 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
CCD e2v 230-84
Spectral Instruments
Spectral Instruments has 20+ years’ experience customizing the design of and manufacturing cameras for high end imaging applications. The design of each camera is configured and hand tuned to get the most out of that top of the line CCD appropriate for your application. Thermoelectric and cryo-cooling technology is utilized to ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 4112
# Pixels (Height): 4096
Pixel Size (Square): 15 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
CCD STA 4150
Spectral Instruments
Spectral Instruments has 20+ years’ experience customizing the design of and manufacturing cameras for high end imaging applications. The design of each camera is configured and hand tuned to get the most out of that top of the line CCD appropriate for your application. Thermoelectric and cryo-cooling technology is utilized to ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 4096
# Pixels (Height): 4096
Pixel Size (Square): 15 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
CCD STA 1600
Spectral Instruments
Spectral Instruments has 20+ years’ experience customizing the design of and manufacturing cameras for high end imaging applications. The design of each camera is configured and hand tuned to get the most out of that top of the line CCD appropriate for your application. Thermoelectric and cryo-cooling technology is utilized to ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 10580
# Pixels (Height): 10560
Pixel Size (Square): 9 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
CCD e2v 231-84
Spectral Instruments
Spectral Instruments has 20+ years’ experience customizing the design of and manufacturing cameras for high end imaging applications. The design of each camera is configured and hand tuned to get the most out of that top of the line CCD appropriate for your application. Thermoelectric and cryo-cooling technology is utilized to ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 4112
# Pixels (Height): 4096
Pixel Size (Square): 15 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
CCD e2v 290-99
Spectral Instruments
Spectral Instruments has 20+ years’ experience customizing the design of and manufacturing cameras for high end imaging applications. The design of each camera is configured and hand tuned to get the most out of that top of the line CCD appropriate for your application. Thermoelectric and cryo-cooling technology is utilized to ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 9232
# Pixels (Height): 9216
Pixel Size (Square): 10 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
CCD e2v 231-C6
Spectral Instruments
Spectral Instruments has 20+ years’ experience customizing the design of and manufacturing cameras for high end imaging applications. The design of each camera is configured and hand tuned to get the most out of that top of the line CCD appropriate for your application. Thermoelectric and cryo-cooling technology is utilized to ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 6140
# Pixels (Height): 6144
Pixel Size (Square): 15 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
High Speed 3030 Camera
Entwicklungsbuero Stresing
Our high speed cameras with 1024 pixel are capable to run parallel with 2 PCIE interface boards with up to 50kHz single trigger. When 2 cameras are used in a chain with one PCIE board, only 30kHz can be reached. The used sensor is from Hamamatsu: S11490. It has 1024 pixel with a 24 x 500 µm size each. Sensitivity is ...


Sensor Type: Other, CCD
# Pixels (Width): 512
# Pixels (Height): 1024
Pixel Size (Square): N/A um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: N/A %
Mid Speed 3010 Camera
Entwicklungsbuero Stresing
Series 3010 is also running with Cam Control and can handle up to two sensor heads. Newer sensors with 1024pixel are capable to run with 8kHz single trigger line rate. When used with 512 pixel, 16kHz are possible. The cameras can be chained to other cameras of series 3010 and to our IOControl as well. Right now we offer the ...


Sensor Type: Other, CCD
# Pixels (Width): 512
# Pixels (Height): 1024
Pixel Size (Square): 50 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: N/A %
Low Speed 3001 Camera
Entwicklungsbuero Stresing
Our Cam Control (CC) is used to manage up to two sensor heads. The sensor heads are connected via 1.5m copper cable. The Cam Control is connected via fiber cable (default 5m, up to 100m on demand) to the PCIe interface board of the PC. Also the Cam Control can be equipped with additional options. The Cam Control as well as the ...


Sensor Type: Other, CCD
# Pixels (Width): 1024
# Pixels (Height): 252
Pixel Size (Square): 24 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: N/A %
The xiD series is based on the most advanced Sony CCD sensor (available till 2025). As CCDs, they boast high sensitivity and 14 bit dynamic range. The cameras have excellent passive cooling properties, great performance and allow USB bus powering. The board-level versions include a system integration guide for designing an optimal ...


Sensor Type: CCD
# Pixels (Width): 1936 - 4244
# Pixels (Height): 1456 - 2832
Pixel Size (Square): 3.1 - 4.54 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
X-Ray direct phosphor imaging cameras include resolutions of 8, 11, 15 and 16 Megapixel with 14 bit images. Uniquely small TE cooled models suitable for Micro CT applications. Support energy levels from 5 up to 100 keV.


Sensor Type: sCMOS, CCD
# Pixels (Width): 3296 - 5056
# Pixels (Height): 2472 - 3248
Pixel Size (Square): 4.25 - 9 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
High Performance GigE Camera IMB-770GC
IMI Technology
The Amazon2 700 Series is a new group of industrial digital cameras that are compliant with both the Gigabit Ethernet and with the GigE Vision standards. They provide high quality performance with various resolutions and frame rates; all at very competitive pricing. A list of outstanding features provide excellent flexibility for the ...


Sensor Type: CCD, CMOS
# Pixels (Width): 3660
# Pixels (Height): 2744
Pixel Size (Square): 1.67 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
High Performance GigE Camera IMC-750GC
IMI Technology
The Amazon2 700 Series is a new group of industrial digital cameras that are compliant with both the Gigabit Ethernet and with the GigE Vision standards. They provide high quality performance with various resolutions and frame rates; all at very competitive pricing. A list of outstanding features provide excellent flexibility for the ...


Sensor Type: CCD, CMOS
# Pixels (Width): 2588
# Pixels (Height): 1940
Pixel Size (Square): 2.20 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
High Performance GigE Camera IMB-750GC
IMI Technology
The Amazon2 700 Series is a new group of industrial digital cameras that are compliant with both the Gigabit Ethernet and with the GigE Vision standards. They provide high quality performance with various resolutions and frame rates; all at very competitive pricing. A list of outstanding features provide excellent flexibility for the ...


Sensor Type: CCD, CMOS
# Pixels (Width): 2588
# Pixels (Height): 1940
Pixel Size (Square): 2.2 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %
High Performance GigE Camera IMC-770GC
IMI Technology
The Amazon2 700 Series is a new group of industrial digital cameras that are compliant with both the Gigabit Ethernet and with the GigE Vision standards. They provide high quality performance with various resolutions and frame rates; all at very competitive pricing. A list of outstanding features provide excellent flexibility for the ...


Sensor Type: CCD, CMOS
# Pixels (Width): 3660
# Pixels (Height): 2744
Pixel Size (Square): 1.67 um
Peak Quantum Efficiency: -- %