Frequently Asked Questions

SPAD23 is a detector array with 23 hexagonally packed single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs), optimized for high photon detection efficiency and low noise.

High fill factor (>80%), broad spectral sensitivity (440–660 nm), low dark count rate (<100 cps), 20 ps time-tagging resolution, and compact credit-card size.

Applications include confocal microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM), quantum information studies, and photon timing and counting experiments.

The SPAD23 system is credit card-sized, with dimensions of 91 mm x 58 mm, and integrates an FPGA and USB3 for plug-and-play convenience.

SPAD23 enhances light collection, increases imaging speed, reduces background noise, and enables super-resolution imaging with standard confocal microscopes.

It supports photon correlation studies, quantum random number generation, and photon number resolving detection with low crosstalk and high data rates.

The system connects via USB3 and 5V power supply, and its software supports integration with LabVIEW, MATLAB, and Python using TCP/IP protocols.

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