Other / Not specified Handheld Laser Markers

Handheld Fiber Laser Marking Machine - Smart Mini by BEC LASER
This is a new type of small fiber laser marking machine launched by BEC LASER. The system of this small fiber laser marking machine has the characteristics of integrated design, small size, light weight, and convenient installation and disassembly. The color of the body is mainly white. It is equipped with a column that can ...


Laser Source: Other / Not specified
Laser Output Power: -- W
Laser Wavelength: Other (not specified)
Laser Operation Mode: Pulsed
Repetition Rate: 120 kHz
On FindLight marketplace you will find 1 different Other / Not specified Handheld Laser Markers from suppliers around the world. With just a few clicks you can compare different Other / Not specified Handheld Laser Markers and get accurate price quotes based on your needs and quantity required. Note that some wholesale suppliers may offer discounts for large quantities. From any product page you can directly contact any vendor within seconds.