Jewelry Laser Welders

Jewellery Laser Spot-Soldering Machine TS-100
Jinan Gold Mark CNC Machinery Co., Ltd.
A new product specially developed for jewelry laser welding, mainly used for jewelry welding, hole filling, electric welding trachoma, repairing seam lines, parts joining, etc. It has outstanding advantages compared with traditional welding methods. The equipment has small weld width, small heat-affected area, small product ...


Materials: Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Copper, Gold, Silver, Nickel, Platinum
Laser Output Power: 100 W
Wavelength: 1064 nm
Welding Mode: Continuous Wave (CW)
Voltage Requirement: 220V - 50Hz
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Did You know?

Jewelry Laser Welders are tools for precision welding applications used often in the jewelry industry. This relatively new technology is finding a widespread utilization among many high-end jewelry manufacturers. Despite being relatively large upfront investment, jewelry laser welders offer unprecedented precision and finesse to the end product. In Jewelry Laser Welders, joining between the metal alloys happens under a guided and controlled laser beam which temporarily melts the joining areas locally. Since laser beams can be focused precisely and their power, repetition and operation mode controlled, the resulting weld spots offer welding precision that cannot be achieved via traditional means. Many laser welding machines for precious metals come equipped with magnifying vision ports that allows the technicians to hold and position the piece to be welded by hand during the welding process. Despite its high-tech nature most jewelry laser friendly are very user friendly requiring minimal training.