
Broadband & Supercontinuum Sources

The Horizon Supercontinuum Ultra Flat white Light Laser is a cutting-edge optical source designed to redefine performance in spectroscopy and imaging. With an ultra-flat spectrum, free of spurious spectral peaks, it spans an impressive spectral range of 450 and 2300 nm. With its spatial coherence, broad spectral coverage and ...


Bandwidth: 450-2300 nm
Center Wavelength: 1064 nm
Output Power: 3000 mW
Polarization: Unpolarized
Repetition Rate: 80 Mhz
3W Supercontinuum Fiber Laser Iceblink is a supercontinuum fiber laser covering the 450-2300 nm spectral range with over 3W of average power and superior stability (<0.5% std. dev.). It is a very versatile white light source with a world of applications in the scientific and industrial sectors, including absorption/transmission ...


Bandwidth: 450-2300 nm
Center Wavelength: 1064 nm
Output Power: 3000 mW
Polarization: Unpolarized
Repetition Rate: 80 MHz
The Connet VENUS series C+L-Band ASE Broadband Light Source represents the pinnacle of integrated optical systems. This versatile light source is available in both benchtop and compact module configurations, offering a high-definition LCD for synchronous monitoring of current and voltage, along with continuously tunable output ...


Bandwidth: 50 nm
Center Wavelength: 1565 nm
Output Power: 100 mW
Polarization: Random
Output Isolation: 30 dB
Compact, alignment-free and all-fiber picosecond laser source for CARS microscopy delivering synchronized pump and Stokes pulses from a single fiber end. This air-cooled and turn-key CARS laser source has a great benefit for the user as the fiber delivery eliminates alignment of the spatial and temporal pulse overlap. High-quality ...


Bandwidth: 1400 - 3800 cm^-1 nm
Center Wavelength: na nm
Output Power: 250 mW
Polarization: Linear
Wavelength Range 1: 1025-1050 nm
C Band L Band ASE Band Laser Source Light Source Wide Spectrum C Band L Band ASE Wide Spectrum light source is used in distributed optical fiber sensing systems, passive device testing, fiber optic gyroscopes. The internal high-stability 980 pump laser and high-performance erbium-doped fiber produce spontaneous emission ASE optical ...


Bandwidth: 80 nm
Center Wavelength: 1580 nm
Output Power: 10 mW
Polarization: Random
The ROF -DML -XX series of analog broadband direct-tuning transmitters use a highly linear microwave direct-coupled DFB laser (DML), a fully transparent operating mode without RF drive amplifiers and integrated automatic power control (APC) and automatic temperature control (ATC) circuit to ensures that the laser can transmit up to ...


Bandwidth: 1525 nm
Center Wavelength: 1565 nm
Output Power: - mW
Polarization: Not Specified
The VENUS series 975nm multi-mode pump laser source of Connet Laser is designed for high power fiber laser and amplifier as high-stability pump source. It has high power and high brightness output. A single emitter pump diode laser is installed inside. The VENUS series 975nm multi-mode pump laser source of Connet Laser adopts a ...


Bandwidth: 7 nm
Center Wavelength: 975 nm
Output Power: 25000 mW
Polarization: Random
Output Isolation: 25-30 dB
The VENUS series high-power SLD (SLED) light source of Connet Laser is a high-stability source designed for scientific research and industrial production with the high-power, broadband SLD (SLED) module being installed internally.  Aiming at special characteristics of SLD (SLED) laser, the SLD (SLED) light source of Connet ...


Bandwidth: 20 nm
Center Wavelength: 1550 nm
Output Power: 1.5 mW
Polarization: Random
Spectral Modulation: <0.45 dB
Part of the VENUS series, this light source utilizes optimized Er-doped fiber laser technology to deliver output laser with remarkable features. It boasts a wide spectral range, high output power, and extraordinary stability across a wide temperature range. Moreover, the L-band ASE sources from Connet Laser offer exceptional ...


Bandwidth: 32 nm
Center Wavelength: 1602 nm
Output Power: 100 mW
Polarization: Random
Spectral Flatness (Gain Flatness): 30-35 dB
The VENUS series 1.0um high-stability ASE light sources of Connet use an optimized Yb-doped fiber all-fiber configuration, and cooperates with a carrier-grade 980nm single-mode pump laser to achieve high-performance output. The control system based on advanced microprocessors, combined with high- precision ATC and ACC (APC) control ...


Bandwidth: 45 nm
Center Wavelength: 1035 nm
Output Power: 10 mW
Polarization: Random
Spectral Flatness(Standard): 4 dB
The VENUS series C+L-band ASE broadband light source by Connet Laser employs an optimized Er-doped fiber laser to realize the output laser featured with wide spectrum, high output power and high stability of the output power within the whole temperature range. The C+L-band ASE broadband light sources have extremely ...


Bandwidth: 74 nm
Center Wavelength: 1528 nm
Output Power: 10 mW
Polarization: Random
Spectral Flatness: 3.5 dB
The SuperK FIANIUM supercontinuum white light fibers lasers are broad as a lamp and bright as a laser. They deliver high brightness diffraction-limited light in the entire 390-2400 nm region. By adding one of our filters, the SuperK can be converted into an ultra-tunable laser. Our supercontinuum lasers are maintenance-free and the ...


Bandwidth: - nm
Center Wavelength: - nm
Output Power: 2200 - 6500 mW
Polarization: Random
The SuperK EVO supercontinuum white light lasers are designed for industrial applications. You get high brightness in the 400-2400 nm range, coverage across VIS, SWIR, and nIR, and a customizable spectrum. Based on our reliable fiber laser technology, the SuperK EVO is stable and maintenance-free, perfect for OEM integration to ...


Bandwidth: 1825 nm
Center Wavelength: - nm
Output Power: 0.3 mW
Polarization: Random
The SuperK COMPACT is a cost-effective supercontinuum white light source that gives you diffraction-limited light in the450-2400 nm range. It is over 100 times brighter than incandescent lamps and has greater bandwidth than ASE sources or SLEDs. Use it for component characterization, test & measurement, spectroscopy, or as a ...


Bandwidth: 1950 nm
Center Wavelength: - nm
Output Power: 110 mW
Polarization: Unpolarized
The SuperK CHROMATUNE is the World’s broadest tunable laser giving you an unmatched 400-1000 nm tuning range. CHROMATUNE is a fiber laser, which ensures excellent reliability and a lifetime of thousands of hours. It requires no maintenance or service, no alignment or adjustments. It is easy to use and lets you focus on your work. ​


Bandwidth: 5-50 nm
Center Wavelength: 405-995 nm
Output Power: >1 mW
Polarization: Not Specified
L band ASE Broadband Light Source adopts the erbium-doped optical fiber spectral flatness technology, and has a high output power, the working wavelength covers the L-band, and is suitable for applications such as optical fiber sensing. Can provide communication interface and host computer software to facilitate the monitoring of the ...


Bandwidth: 36 nm
Center Wavelength: 1585 nm
Output Power: 10/20/50/100 mW
Polarization: Not Specified
The L-band Tunable Fiber Laser 's wavelength tuning range covers the Lband, achieving continuous laser output of up to 64 wavelengths (ITU-T standard wavelength, wavelength interval 100GHz). It integrates a tunable filter and a high-gain chip, and has the characteristics of high output optical power, narrow line width, and high ...


Bandwidth: 52.5 nm
Center Wavelength: 1581.2 nm
Output Power: 10 mW
Polarization: Not Specified
The VENUS series C+L-band ASE light source of Connet Laser employs the optimized Er-doped fiber laser to realize the output laser featured with wide spectrum, high output power and the high stability of the output power within the whole temperature range. The C+L-band ASE sources of Connet Laser have extremely high spectral flatness, ...


Bandwidth: 74 nm
Center Wavelength: 1602 nm
Output Power: 200 mW
Polarization: Linear
The ASE (Amplified Spontaneous Emission) broadband low coherence light source is an ideal instrument for optical component spectral measurement and system compliance testing in manufacturing and R&D environments. The ASE source comes with a flat spectrum with peak-to-peak ripples less than 1 dB over 1529 nm to 1562 nm, which ...


Bandwidth: -- nm
Center Wavelength: 1562 nm
Output Power: -- mW
Polarization: Unpolarized
Total Output Power: 13 dBm
The VENUS series 1.0um high-stability ASE light sources of Connet Laser are the broadband light sources based on Er-doped all-fiber structure. They are ideal sources for test, measurement and spectral analysis with stable output power and high-flatness spectrum. The VENUS series 1.0um high-stability ASE light source of Connet Laser ...


Bandwidth: 45 nm
Center Wavelength: 1080 nm
Output Power: 100 mW
Polarization: Linear

Frequently Asked Questions

A broadband supercontinuum source is a type of light source that produces a wide range of wavelengths spanning from the UV to the near-IR region. It is created by sending an intense laser pulse through a highly nonlinear optical fiber, which results in a broad and smooth spectrum.

Broadband supercontinuum sources offer several benefits over traditional light sources, including high brightness, high spectral density, and low coherence. They are ideal for use in a wide range of applications, including biomedical imaging, spectroscopy, microscopy, and telecommunications.

Broadband supercontinuum sources are used in a wide range of applications, including biomedical imaging, spectroscopy, microscopy, and telecommunications. They are also used in research settings for applications such as ultrafast spectroscopy, time-resolved imaging, and nonlinear optics.

When choosing a broadband supercontinuum source, it's important to consider factors such as the output power, spectral range, spectral density, and coherence length. It's also important to consider the application and whether the source will need to be integrated into a larger optical system.

Supercontinuum is generated through a process called nonlinear optical effects. When a high-intensity laser pulse is launched into an optical fiber, the pulse propagates and interacts with the fiber's material properties, leading to a range of nonlinear effects such as self-phase modulation, four-wave mixing, and stimulated Raman scattering. These effects cause spectral broadening and the creation of a smooth, continuous spectrum of light.

The output power of a supercontinuum source can be controlled by varying the input pulse energy, duration, or repetition rate. Additionally, the power can be controlled by adjusting the optical power of the pump laser or by using optical filters to adjust the output spectrum.

The coherence length of a supercontinuum source refers to the length of the fiber over which the coherence is maintained. The coherence length depends on the spectral bandwidth of the source and is typically much shorter than the length of the fiber used to generate the supercontinuum.

The spectral properties of a supercontinuum source can be optimized by selecting the appropriate fiber type, optimizing the input pulse parameters, and selecting the appropriate pump laser wavelength. Additionally, optical filters and dispersive elements can be used to modify the output spectrum.

There are 55 different Broadband & Supercontinuum Sources from suppliers and manufacturers listed in this category. In just a few clicks you can compare different Broadband & Supercontinuum Sources with each other and get an accurate quote based on your needs and specifications. Please note that the prices of Broadband & Supercontinuum Sources vary significantly for different products based on various factors including technical parameters, features, brand name, etc. Please contact suppliers directly to inquire about the details and accurate pricing information for any product model. Simply navigate to the product page of interest and use the orange button to directly reach out to the respective supplier with one click.

Did You know?

Supercontinuum fiber lasers, also known as "white-light" lasers, are a special type of light source that generate an ultra-broad optical spectrum spanning from UV to beyond two microns, with a beam quality similar to that of a traditional laser, over the full wavelength range. The development of supercontinuum fiber lasers in the past decade has been driven by the need for higher power, broader spectral range, and more recently, robustness at low cost. The underlying principle of supercontinuum fiber lasers is the nonlinear interaction of an intense femtosecond or picosecond laser pulse with a highly nonlinear optical fiber. This interaction results in the creation of a smooth and continuous spectrum of light, which can be controlled by adjusting the input pulse parameters and fiber properties. Supercontinuum fiber lasers have several advantages over traditional light sources, including high brightness, high spectral density, and low coherence. They are used in a wide range of applications, such as biomedical imaging, spectroscopy, microscopy, and telecommunications. Over the past decade, the average cost per watt of supercontinuum fiber lasers has dropped tenfold to less than $10 per watt, making them more accessible for mainstream applications. The ongoing development of new fiber designs, pump sources, and control electronics is expected to further expand the range of applications for these versatile light sources.