Page 4 - CW Fiber Lasers

Everfoton 12000W CW Fiber Laser is a high-performance laser designed for metal cutting, welding, and drilling. Its unique features, including high back reflection resistance and high wall plug efficiency, make it an excellent choice for a range of applications.    The laser also has a compact design and a flat top beam ...


Center Wavelength: 1080 nm
Output Power: 12000 W
Output Mode: Continuous Wave (CW), Modulated
Beam Quality (M^2): < 4.0
Spectral Linewidth: <4 nm
The High-Stability CW Fiber Lasers (300W - 500W) from Everfoton are a reliable family of lasers with high power stability and excellent beam quality.      These lasers have QBH or QCS fiber delivery options, with fast response to DI/AI control inputs. They are suitable for 3D printing, micro-processing, and fine welding.


Center Wavelength: 1080 nm
Output Power: 300 W
Output Mode: Continuous Wave (CW), Modulated
Beam Quality (M^2): < 1.2
Spectral Linewidth: <4 nm
Everfoton 4000W - 6000W CW Fiber Lasers are advanced lasers designed to provide superior performance on metal cutting, welding, and drilling applications. These lasers have unique features such as high back reflection resistance, high wall plug efficiency, and compact design that make them stand out from the ...


Center Wavelength: 1080 nm
Output Power: 4000 W
Output Mode: Continuous Wave (CW), Modulated
Beam Quality (M^2): < 4.0
Spectral Linewidth: <4 nm
Everfoton's 1500W-3000W High-Brightness CW Fiber Lasers are designed to provide high-quality and stable laser beams for various industrial applications, including laser cutting and welding. These lasers are equipped with multi-stage anti-back reflection protections and a compact design for easy integration into existing cutting ...


Center Wavelength: 1080 nm
Output Power: 1500 W
Output Mode: Continuous Wave (CW), Modulated
Beam Quality (M^2): 1.2
Spectral Linewidth: <4 nm
The Everfoton 4000W - 6000W CW Fiber Lasers are ideal for metal cutting, welding, and drilling applications. With high wall-plug efficiency, multi-stage anti-back reflection protection, and a compact design, these lasers offer excellent performance and easy integration into existing systems.


Center Wavelength: 1080 nm
Output Power: 4000 W
Output Mode: Continuous Wave (CW), Modulated
Beam Quality (M^2): > 110
Spectral Linewidth: <4 nm
High-stability 300W-5OOW CW Fiber Lasers are a highly reliable laser family with high power stability and ideal laser beam quality, and QBH or QCS fiber delivery options. With fast response to DI/Al control inputs, it will satisfy the most demanding applications such as 3D printing, micro-processing and fine-welding.


Center Wavelength: 1080 nm
Output Power: 300-500 W
Output Mode: Continuous Wave (CW)
Beam Quality (M^2): < 1.2
Spectral Linewidth: <4 nm
High-brightness fiber lasers adopt a special optical design and process to suppress transverse mode instability and stimulated Raman scattering. It achieves a 14μm small core diameter single-mode output and has high brightness, high anti-reflection, excellent stability, etc. The laser is suitable for new energy, 3C, electrical ...


Center Wavelength: 1080 nm
Output Power: 1500-3000 W
Output Mode: Continuous Wave (CW), Modulated
Beam Quality (M^2): 1.2
Spectral Linewidth: <4 nm
MFMC Series CW Fiber Laser product sprovide a wide range of wavelength from 1060nm to 1100nm.The lasers are water-cooled and maintenance-free and with a wall plug efficiency of more than 25% and deliver high efficiency, high reliability and high performance.Maxphotonics\' MFMC Series CW Fiber Laser Series are Class 4 laser products ...


Center Wavelength: 1080 nm
Output Power: 4000 W
Beam Quality (M^2): --
Operation Mode: CW/Modulated
Polarization: Random
The Lumibird CVFL-GIGA are frequency converted Ytterbium doped fiber lasers emitting ata design fixed wavelength from 520nm up to 590nm. The design is composed by an all-fiber laser cavity emitting in the IR range and a frequencyconversion module which converts IR laser to visible laser. The frequency conversionmodule is a single ...


Center Wavelength: From 520 up to 590 / Standard 520, 532, 546, 560, 577 nm
Output Power: Up to 3 W
Beam Quality (M^2): < 1.2
The Lumibird CVFL-GIGA are frequency converted Ytterbium doped fiber lasers emitting ata design fixed wavelength from 520nm up to 590nm. The design is composed by an all-fiber laser cavity emitting in the IR range and a frequencyconversion module which converts IR laser to visible laser. The frequency conversionmodule is a single ...


Center Wavelength: From 520 up to 590 / Standard 520, 532, 546, 560, 577 nm
Output Power: Up to 3 W
Beam Quality (M^2): < 1.2
CRFL Raman fiber laser provides high output power up to 20 W at 1455 and 1480 nm. The diffraction limited beam is unpolarized. Lot applications are achievable with this fiber laser. The high-quality manufacturing process permits to proposes a reliable and robust fiber laser, even for harsh environmental conditions of use. CRFL series ...


Center Wavelength: 1455 - 1480 nm
Output Power: From 2 to 20 W
Beam Quality (M^2): < 1.1
Linewidth: < 2 or < 3 nm
CYFL-TERA series are Ytterbium-doped fiber lasers providing an output power up to 20W. The Lumibird optical architecture permits to deliver a diffraction limited output beamsuitable for spectroscopy. Laser trapping, optical tweezing or spectroscopy are among the applications that can bemet with the CYFL-TERA lasers series. These ...


Center Wavelength: 1075 nm
Output Power: From 1 to 20 W
Beam Quality (M^2): < 1.1
Linewidth (FWHM): < 2 nm
CYFL-GIGA series are Ytterbium-doped fiber lasers emitting at 1083 nm. Theselasers are specially designed for helium pumping applications. Optical imaging for medicalapplications, study of the helium spin in the nuclear field, absorption spectroscopy andnuclear physics are among the large list of applications with this fiber ...


Center Wavelength: 1083 nm
Output Power: From 2 to 20 W
Beam Quality (M^2): < 1.1
Spectral Linewidth: 2 max GHz
CYFL-MEGA stands for Continuous Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Laser. Based on a Lumibirdpatented design, the CYFL-MEGA provides a single mode operation and delivers a linewidthof few MHz up to 20 W of output power. No maintenance is required for this high-powerfiber laser. The CYFL-MEGA is the result of a long research and development ...


Center Wavelength: 1064 nm
Output Power: From 1 to 20 W
Beam Quality (M^2): < 1.1
CYFL-KILO stands for Ytterbium fiber laser. The series provides a longitudinal single modeand frequency output laser beam. These lasers series deliver up to 20W with low phasenoise and low Relative Intensity Noise. Lumibird ytterbium fiber laser is manufactured for scientific applications as interferometry,quantum optics, metrology, ...


Center Wavelength: 1064 and 1083 nm
Output Power: From 1 to 20 W
Beam Quality (M^2): < 1.1 for P ≤ 2 W and < 1.3 for P ≥ 5 W
CEFL-TERA is CW Erbium fiber laser delivering up to 30 W in random or linear polarization. This laser is a perfect tool for wide range of applications. It offers a cost effective and no maintenance solution. It is also straightforward to use it, thanks to the instinctive front panel; in 5 minutes you are ready to work. CEFL-TERA ...


Center Wavelength: 1532/1535/1550 nm
Output Power: From 1 to 30 W
Beam Quality (M^2): < 1.1
Linewidth (FWHM): < 1 nm
The CEFL-KILO series (Continuous Erbium-doped fiber amplifier) are designed forcontinuous wave operations in the 1.5μm range.The lasers are single frequency fiber lasers specially designed for applications which requirea high precision such as LIDAR, atomic spectroscopy, or atom cooling. The MOPA systemprovides low RIN and high ...


Center Wavelength: 1555 nm
Output Power: 15 W
Beam Quality (M^2): < 1.1
The CTFL-TERA series is a range of 2µm Continuous Wave thulium fiber laser deliveringup to 30W output power with random or linear polarization. The innovative all-in fiberdesigns offer a very good optical power stability with an excellent beam quality, M2<1.1or M2<1.3 depending on the output power. Solutions are possible ...


Center Wavelength: From 1900 to 2050 nm
Output Power: Up to 30 W
Beam Quality (M^2): <1.1 or <1.3
Output Fiber Length: 1 m
Techwin YFL-6000MM Ytterbium Multi-mode CW Fiber Laser Source, adopts latest industry technology and the optimization design, with high electro-optical conversion efficiency, high lifetime, high safety and reliability. The unit with high-quality output beam and strong capability on resisting high-reflective, can be widely used in all ...


Center Wavelength: 1080 nm
Output Power: 6000 W
Beam Quality (M^2): 11
Techwin YFL-4000MM Ytterbium Multi-mode CW Fiber Laser Source, adopts latest industry technology and the optimization design, with high electro-optical conversion efficiency, high lifetime, high safety and reliability. The unit with high-quality output beam and strong capability on resisting high-reflective, can be widely used in all ...


Center Wavelength: 1080 nm
Output Power: 4000 W
Beam Quality (M^2): 11