
Page 2 - Ultrafast Fiber Lasers

Amonics’ specialized products, high power Femtosecond Fiber Lasers (FSFLs), are passive mode-locked fiber lasers, which generate soliton pulses without using external clocks. The results are FSFLs that possess high output power, narrow linewidth with exceptionally reliable performance. The turnkey microprocessor controlled ...


Wavelength: 1550 nm
Repetition Rate: 40 MHz
Output Power: 0.01 W
Pulse Duration: 600 fs
Output Power Options: 1, 10, 100, 200 mW
Amonics’ specialized products, high power Femtosecond Fiber Lasers (FSFLs), are passive mode-locked fiber lasers, which generate soliton pulses without using external clocks. The results are FSFLs that possess high output power, narrow linewidth with exceptionally reliable performance. The turnkey microprocessor controlled ...


Wavelength: 1550 nm
Repetition Rate: 40 MHz
Output Power: 0.01 W
Pulse Duration: 300 fs
Output Power Options: 1, 10, 100, 200 mW
Amonics’ specialized products, high power Femtosecond Fiber Lasers (FSFLs), are passive mode-locked fiber lasers, which generate soliton pulses without using external clocks. The results are FSFLs that possess high output power, narrow linewidth with exceptionally reliable performance. The turnkey microprocessor controlled ...


Wavelength: 1550 nm
Repetition Rate: 40 MHz
Output Power: 0.01 W
Pulse Duration: 100 fs
Output Power Options: 1, 10, 100, 200 mW
Amonics’ specialized products, high power Femtosecond Fiber Lasers (FSFLs), are passive mode-locked fiber lasers, which generate soliton pulses without using external clocks. The results are FSFLs that possess high output power, narrow linewidth with exceptionally reliable performance. The turnkey microprocessor controlled ...


Wavelength: 1550 nm
Repetition Rate: 40 MHz
Output Power: 0.001 W
Pulse Duration: 600 fs
Output Power Options: 1, 10, 100, 200 mW
Amonics’ specialized products, high power Femtosecond Fiber Lasers (FSFLs), are passive mode-locked fiber lasers, which generate soliton pulses without using external clocks. The results are FSFLs that possess high output power, narrow linewidth with exceptionally reliable performance. The turnkey microprocessor controlled ...


Wavelength: 1550 nm
Repetition Rate: 40 MHz
Output Power: 1 W
Pulse Duration: 300 fs
Output Power Options: 1, 10, 100, 200 mW
The Vulcan 500c system is a 500W pulsed fibre laser, paired with a robust galvanometer based, ergonomic hand-held, compact scan head. With flexible operational parameters, fibre laser reliability and high pulse energy, Vulcan 500c offers the best value in laser cleaning equipment. The unique hand-held galvanometer based scan head is ...


Wavelength: 1064 nm
Repetition Rate: 20 MHz
Output Power: 500 W
Pulse Duration: 50000000 fs
Pulse Energy (mJ): 40
IDIL Fibres Optiques designs and manufactures front end laser that are used for high power laser systems seeding. IDIL Fibres Optiques has a extensive and recognized experience within  Front End Laser in the field of international standing projects. As an example, IDIL has collaborated with the ...


Wavelength: 1030 nm
Repetition Rate: 0.01 MHz
Output Power: -- W
Pulse Duration: 300000 fs