
Page 12 - CW Semiconductor Lasers

QLD1261-4005 is a 1240-nm distributed feedback (DFB) laser assembled into a 14-pin butterfly package with an optical isolator, a monitor PD and a thermo-electric cooler.


Center Wavelength: 1.24 um
Output Power: 20 mW
The QLD1161-2030/8030 series are 1120/1180-nm distributed feedback (DFB) lasers for use in scientific and industrial applications. The laser is assembled into a 14-pin butterfly package with an optical isolator, a monitor PD and a thermo-electric cooler.


Center Wavelength: 1.12 um
Output Power: 50 mW
The QLD1161-8030 is a 1180-nm distributed feedback (DFB) laser for use in scientific and industrial applications. The laser is assembled into a 14-pin butterfly package with an optical isolator, a monitor PD and a thermo-electric cooler.


Center Wavelength: 1.18 um
Output Power: 50 mW
The QLD1061-9230 is a 1092-nm distributed feedback (DFB) lasers for use in scientific and industrial applications. The laser is assembled into a 14-pin butterfly package with an optical isolator, a monitor PD and a thermo-electric cooler.


Center Wavelength: 1.092 um
Output Power: 50 mW
The QLD1061-7030 is a 1070-nm distributed feedback (DFB) laser for use in scientific and industrial applications. The laser is assembled into a 14-pin butterfly package with an optical isolator, a monitor PD and a thermo-electric cooler.


Center Wavelength: 1.07 um
Output Power: 50 mW
The QLD1061 is a 1064-nm distributed feedback (DFB) laser for use in seeder for fiber lasers and sensing applications. The laser is assembled into a 14-pin butterfly package with an optical isolator, a monitor PD and a thermo-electric cooler.


Center Wavelength: 1.064 um
Output Power: 50 mW
The QLD1062 is a 1053-nm distributed feedback (DFB) laser butterfly package


Center Wavelength: 1.053 um
Output Power: 30 mW
The QLD1061-AD is a 1047-nm distributed feedback (DFB) laser butterfly package


Center Wavelength: 1.047 um
Output Power: 15 mW
The QLD1061-3030 is a 1030-nm distributed feedback (DFB) laser for use in seeder for fiber lasers and sensing applications. The laser is assembled into a 14-pin butterfly package with an optical isolator, a monitor PD and a thermo-electric cooler.


Center Wavelength: 1.03 um
Output Power: 50 mW
QLD1335-AA is a quantum-dot (QD) distributed feedback (DFB) laser diode emitting at 1.3-μm wavelength range, which is specially designed for the operation at high temperatures (85°C to 125°C). The laser is mounted into a TO-56 header including a monitor PD and hermetically sealed with a lens cap.


Center Wavelength: 1.3 um
Output Power: 30 mW
QLF1312-P10 is a 1310 nm quantum dot FP laser diode chip for use in telecom and datacom applications up to 2.5Gbps speed. Since quantum dot technologies are equipped with active layers of the device, it realizes excellent temperature characteristics and low power consumption.


Center Wavelength: 1.3 um
Output Power: 15 mW
QLF131F-P16 is a 1305 nm quantum dot FP laser diode chip for use in telecom and datacom applications up to 110 deg.C temperature. Since quantum dot technologies are equipped with active layers of the device, it realizes excellent temperature characteristics and low power consumption.


Center Wavelength: 1.305 um
Output Power: 22 mW
The QLF1339-AA is 1310 nm quantum dot laser diode device for use in telecom and datacom applications up to 2.5Gbps speed. The laser is mounted into a TO-56 header without PD monitor and hermetic sealed with a lens cap. Since quantum dot technologies are equipped with active layers of the device, it realizes excellent temperature ...


Center Wavelength: 1.31 um
Output Power: 6 mW
The QLF1335-AD is 1300 nm quantum dot laser diode device for use in extremely high temperature environment. The laser is mounted into a TO-56 header including a monitor PD for optical power control and hermetic sealed with a lens cap. Since quantum dot technologies are equipped with active layers of the device, it realizes excellent ...


Center Wavelength: 1.3 um
Output Power: 10 mW
The 785nm Mercury™ series of high-power edge-emitting lasers are based onPhotodigm’s advanced single-frequency laser technology. It provides a diffraction limited, single lateral and longitudinal mode beam in a compact hermetic package. Facets are passivated for high-power reliability. Applications include ...


Center Wavelength: 0.785 um
Output Power: 40 mW
The 780nm Mercury™ series of high-power edge-emitting lasers are based onPhotodigm’s advanced single-frequency laser technology. It provides adiffraction limited, single lateral and longitudinal mode beam in a compacthermetic package. Facets are passivated for high-power reliability. Applicationsfor the 780 nm Laser Diode ...


Center Wavelength: 0.780 um
Output Power: 40 mW
The PH1083DBR Series of high-power edge-emitting lasers are based on  Photodigm’s advanced single-frequency laser technology. It provides a diffraction limited, single lateral and longitudinal mode beam. Facets are passivated for high-power reliability. Applications for the 1083 nm laser diode include fiber amplifier ...


Center Wavelength: 1.083 um
Output Power: 80 mW
The PH1064DBR Series of high-power edge-emitting lasers are based on Photodigm’s advanced single-frequency laser technology. It provides a diffraction limited, single lateral and longitudinal mode beam.Facets are passivated for high-power reliability. Applications for the 1064 nm laser diode include fiber amplifier seeding, ...


Center Wavelength: 1.064 um
Output Power: 40 mW
The PH976DBR Series of high-power edge-emitting lasers are based onPhotodigm’s advanced single-frequency laser technology. It provides adiffraction limited, single lateral and longitudinal mode beam. Facets arepassivated for high-power reliability. Applications include Yb narrow bandpumping, spectroscopy, difference frequency ...


Center Wavelength: 0.976 um
Output Power: 40 mW
The 976nm Mercury™ series of high-power edge-emitting lasers are based onPhotodigm’s advanced single-frequency laser technology. It provides adiffraction limited, single lateral and longitudinal mode beam in a compacthermetic package. Facets are passivated for high-power reliability. Applicationsinclude mobile ...


Center Wavelength: 0.976 um
Output Power: 40 mW