
Page 17 - CW Semiconductor Lasers

The Cobolt 04-01 Series lasers are continuous-wave diode-pumped laser (DPL) devices operating at a fixed wavelength between 457 nm and 1064 nm. The lasers are built using proprietary HTCure™ manufacturing technology for ultra-robustness in a compact hermetically sealed package which has been shown to withstand 60G mechanical shocks ...


Center Wavelength: 0.473 um
Output Power: 25 mW
The Cobolt 04-01 Series lasers are continuous-wave diode-pumped laser (DPL) devices operating at a fixed wavelength between 457 nm and 1064 nm. The lasers are built using proprietary HTCure™ manufacturing technology for ultra-robustness in a compact hermetically sealed package which has been shown to withstand 60G mechanical shocks ...


Center Wavelength: 0.457 um
Output Power: 50 mW
PL.M810.12000 MICRO-LD- Series Laser Module
Pegasus Lasersysteme GmbH
The PEGASUS MICRO-LD is a high power diode laser module. It is provided with \"red\" (638 nm), \"green\" (520 nm) \"blue\" (450 nm) and “violet” (405 nm) or other wavelengths on request. The internal temperature stabilization confirms beside a high power stability, also a high wavelength stability, even for changing ...


Center Wavelength: 0.81 um
Output Power: 12000 mW
PL.M660.1000 MICRO-LD- Series Laser Module
Pegasus Lasersysteme GmbH
The PEGASUS MICRO-LD is a high power diode laser module. It is provided with \"red\" (638 nm), \"green\" (520 nm) \"blue\" (450 nm) and “violet” (405 nm) or other wavelengths on request. The internal temperature stabilization confirms beside a high power stability, also a high wavelength stability, even for changing ...


Center Wavelength: 0.66 um
Output Power: 1000 mW
PL.M638.1000 MICRO-LD- Series Laser Module
Pegasus Lasersysteme GmbH
The PEGASUS MICRO-LD is a high power diode laser module. It is provided with \"red\" (638 nm), \"green\" (520 nm) \"blue\" (450 nm) and “violet” (405 nm) or other wavelengths on request. The internal temperature stabilization confirms beside a high power stability, also a high wavelength stability, even for changing ...


Center Wavelength: 0.638 um
Output Power: 1000 mW
PL.M520.1500 MICRO-LD- Series Laser Module
Pegasus Lasersysteme GmbH
The PEGASUS MICRO-LD is a high power diode laser module. It is provided with \"red\" (638 nm), \"green\" (520 nm) \"blue\" (450 nm) and “violet” (405 nm) or other wavelengths on request. The internal temperature stabilization confirms beside a high power stability, also a high wavelength stability, even for changing ...


Center Wavelength: 0.52 um
Output Power: 1500 mW
PL.M450.5000 MICRO-LD- Series Laser Module
Pegasus Lasersysteme GmbH
The PEGASUS MICRO-LD is a high power diode laser module. It is provided with \"red\" (638 nm), \"green\" (520 nm) \"blue\" (450 nm) and “violet” (405 nm) or other wavelengths on request. The internal temperature stabilization confirms beside a high power stability, also a high wavelength stability, even for changing ...


Center Wavelength: 0.45 um
Output Power: 5000 mW
PL.M450.2200 MICRO-LD- Series Laser Module
Pegasus Lasersysteme GmbH
The PEGASUS MICRO-LD is a high power diode laser module. It is provided with \"red\" (638 nm), \"green\" (520 nm) \"blue\" (450 nm) and “violet” (405 nm) or other wavelengths on request.The internal temperature stabilization confirms beside a high power stability, also a high wavelength stability, even for changing ...


Center Wavelength: 0.45 um
Output Power: 2200 mW
PL.M405.800 MICRO-LD- Series Laser Module
Pegasus Lasersysteme GmbH
The PEGASUS MICRO-LD is a high power diode laser module. It is provided with \"red\" (638 nm), \"green\" (520 nm) \"blue\" (450 nm) and “violet” (405 nm) or other wavelengths on request.The internal temperature stabilization confirms beside a high power stability, also a high wavelength stability, even for changing ...


Center Wavelength: 0.405 um
Output Power: 800 mW
Mini series Compact diode module
Pegasus Lasersysteme GmbH
The PEGASUS Mini is a series of temperature stabilized diode laser modules, with good power and wavelength stability. The compact industrial housing of 107 x 45 x 25 mm3 can be supplied with medium power singlemode or multimode UV, VIS or IR laser diodes. The rectangular baseplate ensures a much better heat dissipation than often ...


Center Wavelength: 0.405 um
Output Power: 200 mW
iC-Mini series Compact diode module
Pegasus Lasersysteme GmbH
The PEGASUS iC-Mini is a series of temperature stabilized diode laser modules, with good power and wavelength stability. The very compact housing of 60 x 35 x 25 mm3 can be supplied with medium power singlemode or multimode UV, VIS or IR laser diodes. The rectangular baseplate ensures a much better heat dissipation than often used ...


Center Wavelength: 0.405 um
Output Power: 200 mW
Computer-Controlled Laser Diode Module CLD-488-150G
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
The CLD series is a user-controlled laser system with an integrated laser and control electronics in a single compact package. The built-in LCD display shows laser operating parameters. Push buttons enable easy and quick manual changes of laser operation conditions. The CLD RS-232 interface allows adjusting the laser power, ...


Center Wavelength: 0.488 um
Output Power: 150 mW
Computer-Controlled Laser Diode Module CLD-440-50G
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
The CLD series is a user-controlled laser system with an integrated laser and control electronics in a single compact package. The built-in LCD display shows laser operating parameters. Push buttons enable easy and quick manual changes of laser operation conditions. The CLD RS-232 interface allows adjusting the laser power, ...


Center Wavelength: 0.440 um
Output Power: 50 mW
Computer-Controlled Laser Diode Module CLD-405-150G
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
The CLD series is a user-controlled laser system with an integrated laser and control electronics in a single compact package. The built-in LCD display shows laser operating parameters. Push buttons enable easy and quick manual changes of laser operation conditions. The CLD RS-232 interface allows adjusting the laser power, ...


Center Wavelength: 0.405 um
Output Power: 150 mW
Laser Diode Module CLD – MW 730nm
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
CLD – MW is a user controlled laser with an integrated laser and control electronics in single compact package. The built-in touchscreen display controls and displays complete laser operating parameters. CLD – MW allows the user to set the laser power and temperature, scan the laser power and modulate the laser using a ...


Center Wavelength: 0.730 um
Output Power: 30 mW
Laser Diode Module CLD – MW 642nm
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
CLD – MW is a user controlled laser with an integrated laser and control electronics in single compact package. The built-in touchscreen display controls and displays complete laser operating parameters. CLD – MW allows the user to set the laser power and temperature, scan the laser power and modulate the laser using a ...


Center Wavelength: 0.642 um
Output Power: 50 mW
Laser Diode Module CLD – MW 638nm
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
CLD – MW is a user controlled laser with an integrated laser and control electronics in single compact package. The built-in touchscreen display controls and displays complete laser operating parameters. CLD – MW allows the user to set the laser power and temperature, scan the laser power and modulate the laser using a ...


Center Wavelength: 0.638 um
Output Power: 50 mW
Laser Diode Module CLD – MW 637nm
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
CLD – MW is a user controlled laser with an integrated laser and control electronics in single compact package. The built-in touchscreen display controls and displays complete laser operating parameters. CLD – MW allows the user to set the laser power and temperature, scan the laser power and modulate the laser using a ...


Center Wavelength: 0.637 um
Output Power: 50 mW
Laser Diode Module CLD – MW 635nm
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
CLD – MW is a user controlled laser with an integrated laser and control electronics in single compact package. The built-in touchscreen display controls and displays complete laser operating parameters. CLD – MW allows the user to set the laser power and temperature, scan the laser power and modulate the laser using a ...


Center Wavelength: 0.635 um
Output Power: 70 mW
Laser Diode Module CLD – MW 633nm
Topag Lasertechnik GmbH
CLD – MW is a user controlled laser with an integrated laser and control electronics in single compact package. The built-in touchscreen display controls and displays complete laser operating parameters. CLD – MW allows the user to set the laser power and temperature, scan the laser power and modulate the laser using a ...


Center Wavelength: 0.633 um
Output Power: 70 mW