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Frequently Asked Questions

The SPOT-10-100-355 DPSS Laser is used for industrial and scientific applications such as laser induced fluorescence, time resolved fluorescence, micromachining, biotechnology, plasma generation, remote sensing, photo acoustic imaging, MALDI mass spectrometry and MALDI imaging.

The maximum pulse energy of the SPOT-10-100-355 DPSS Laser is 10µJ at a repetition rate of ≤ 10kHz.

The minimum pulse width of the SPOT-10-100-355 DPSS Laser is <1.5ns.

The operating temperature range of the SPOT-10-100-355 DPSS Laser is 10-35 deg. C.

The power requirement for the SPOT-10-100-355 DPSS Laser is 100 - 240 VAC, 50 / 60 Hz Max 100W.

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