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Sources of short-wavelength radiation, such as synchrotrons or free-electron lasers, have already enabled numerous applications and will facilitate more seminal studies. On the other hand, sources of coherent extreme ultraviolet to soft x-ray radiation via high-harmonic generation (HHG) of ultrashort-pulse lasers have gained ...


Photon Energy: 20 eV - 150 eV (300 eV upon request)
Wavelength: 8.5 nm - 60 nm (4 nm upon request)
XUV Photon Flux: up to 10^14 per second
XUV Average Power: up to 330 µW
Repetition Rate: up 10 MHz
Laser Quantum offers the timing stabilization units TL-1000 and TL-1000-ASOPS as accessories to the gigajet series high-speed femtosecond oscillators and the femtosecond laser. The TL-1000 can also be used for stabilization of the gecco and venteon series of lasers. The TL-1000 allows the tight phase-lock of an oscillator repetition ...


Rep Rate Range: 75 MHz - 10 GHz
Timing Jitter (taccor/helixx Models): <100 fs
Timing Jitter (venteon/gecco Models): <300 fs
This mirror mount accepts rectangular optics/mirrors with a height up to either 20 or 25mm (depending on the chosen version). The design allows for a direct mounting into standard 1\" mirror mounts. The slim design with no side-frame is ideally suited to build up compressor beam lines using rectangular mirrors with multi-bounces.


This pair of wedge mounting adapters is designed to accept up to 4mm thick glass wedges that provide fine control of the pulse compression set up in combination with the DCM mirror range. One of the adapters can be directly screwed onto M4 threaded pedestal posts whereas the other features a M2 grid to allow a direct mounting onto ...


The \"DCM10\" is a broadband (500-850nm) dispersion compensating mirror pair designed for the compensation of the positive dispersion caused by fused silica like material. The wavelength range suits femtosecond applications using few-cycle pulses generated by hollow core fibers or filamentation. The unique pair design enables to ...


The \"DCM9\" is a GVD mirror shifted to the \"blue\" now covering a wavelength range of 450nm-950nm. These mirrors are specially designed to be suitable for pulse compression of femtosecond pulses generated by amplification, filamentation, OPA/OPG and others. Featuring negative GVD of -60 fs² for the mirror pair @ 700nm and are ...


For steering few-cycle pulse beams, usually protected silver mirrors are the first choice and widely used, since they deliver a broadband reflectivity without dispersion problems or angle dependence at a very competitive price. A protected silver mirror that is enhanced for femtosecond applications and tested for sub-5fs pulses. ...


The DTS0173 Pulse Compressor and Peak-Field Booster is a compact and lightweight device that utilizes nonlinear effects from an optical fiber to enhance the peak electric field generated by an ultrafast optical source. With easy installation and alignment, this device allows for tunable pulse-width compression and spectral bandwidth ...


Wavelength: 1035 nm
Input Peak Power (Measured At Ambient Temperature): 41.7 kW
Output Peak Power (Measured At Ambient Temperature): 100.5 kW
Pulse-width Compression Factor: >3
Weight: <0.3 kg
  The \"DCM11\" is a GVD mirror pair specially designed for OPCPA compression. This mirror type covers a wide wavelength range of 650-1050 nm while offering a large dispersion of -130 fs2 /pair at the centre wavelength of 800 nm. These mirrors are specially designed to recompress the output of the venteon OPCPA after passing ...


The \"DCM7\" is a ultra-broadband (600nm-1200nm) dispersion compensating mirror pair used for the compensation of positive dispersion affecting femtosecond laser pulses. The unique pair design enables to achieve a reflectivity greater than 99.9% over the whole supported spectral bandwidth next to a defined negative dispersion. These ...


SHBC is a second harmonic bandwidth compressor designed for generating narrow-bandwidth picosecond pulses from the broad-bandwidth output of PHAROS and CARBIDE femtosecond lasers. It enables the creation of versatile optical setups using fixed-wavelength or tunable narrow-bandwidth picosecond pulses in combination with ...


Output Wavelength: nm
Conversion Ratio: %
Output Pulse Bandwidth: cm^-1
Pulse Duration: 2-4 ps
Pump Pulse Energy: 4 mJ
The Oria Blue offers an innovative, easy-to-use and reliable doubling unit that efficiently converts the near-IR emission of mode-locked ultrafast Ti:Sapphire lasers (typically 680–1100 nm) into the near-UV and visible spectrum (340–550 nm). Based on novel nonlinear optical technology, the Oria Blue doubler provides ...


PISMO pulse picker by Del Mar Photonics.  As the name implies pulse pickers are used to selectively pick off pulses from the pulse train of a femtosecond or picosecond laser. Pismo pulse picker models are available as stand-alone devices that use a Pockels cell as an ultrafast shutter.  Pismo pulse pickers operate in ...


Output Voltage: 4-12
Pulse Width: 4
The Compact High-Precision Delay Stage is a versatile and reliable tool for performing delay scans with high accuracy and speed. It enables real-time terahertz waveform measurements and offers flexible control options for position tracking and triggering.


Delay Range:: 0-50 ps
Delay Resolution: 1 fs
Delay Accuracy: ±5 fs
Position Tracking Accuracy: 0.5 um
External Trigger Input: TTL level
SESAM (Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror) mode-locked ultrafast pulsed lasers represents an important breakthrough in the development of mode-locked lasers, but a key challenge remains, that is, extending SESAM technology to the mid-infrared (MIR) region. We propose a design based on InAs/GaSb superlattice SESAM, which can ...


Central Wavelength: 2800nm | 3500nm | 3500nm |3500nm
Absorptivity: 40% | 38% | 38% | 38%
Modulation Depth: 15% | 11.5% | 14% | 11.5%
Absorption Recovery Time: 680ps | 720ps | 7ps | 1.4ps
Saturation Fluence: 70μJ/cm² | 70μJ/cm² | 50μJ/cm² | 40μJ/cm²
Fiber stretchers, also called phase shifters, offer the attractive feature to tune and modulate the path length of the light within the fiber core and so the resulting optical delay does. They are based on voltage-driven Piezo ceramics and need to be controlled with proper electronics drivers. Any type of fiber may be assembled, ...


All Types Of Fibers: SM, MM, PM
Wavelength: From UV to IR
Fiber Elongation: 13 or 26 µm
Fiber Stretch: 2.5 or 5 µm
High Tunability Resolution: < 10 fs
The Thorlabs Chromatis dispersion measurement system allows for precise determination of group delay dispersion (GDD) introduced by reflective and transmissive optics. No isolation table is required, only a solid work bench. Standard measurement modes include normal incidence reflection, angled reflection, mirror pairs, and ...


Measurement Range (standard): 500 - 1100 nm
Measurement Range (optional): 1000 - 1650 nm
Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) Resolution: 5 fs^2
Large-scale spintronic terahertz emitter with integrated permanent magnet for plug-and-play operation. Mounted inside a 360° rotation mount (2 Inch) for flexible adjustment of the terahertz polarization.Ideally suited for collimated-beam excitation up to 20 mm in diameter.


Compact spintronic terahertz emitter with integrated permanent magnet for plug-and-play operation.Mounted inside a 360° rotation mount (1/2 Inch) for flexible adjustment of the terahertz polarization.Ideally suited for focused excitation.


Thorlabs\' UMC05-15FS and UMC10-15FS chirped mirrors feature >99.5% absolute reflectance over the 650 - 1050 nm wavelength range. The coating is engineered such that each reflection compensates for the dispersion introduced by 1.5 mm of fused silica over the entire range. The 10° AOI allows these mirrors to perform similarly ...


Wavelength Range: 650 - 1050 nm
Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) Per Reflection @ 800nm: -54 fs^2
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