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Amplified Lasers
There are 18 different Amplified Lasers from suppliers and manufacturers listed in this category. In just a few clicks you can compare different Amplified Lasers with each other and get an accurate quote based on your needs and specifications. Please note that the prices of Amplified Lasers vary significantly for different products based on various factors including technical parameters, features, brand name, etc. Please contact suppliers directly to inquire about the details and accurate pricing information for any product model. Simply navigate to the product page of interest and use the orange button to directly reach out to the respective supplier with one click.
Did You know?
Advanced ultrafast amplifiers combine high power, excellent beam quality, and high repetition rates. Enormously high optical intensities, exceeding 10^16 W/cm^2, can be achieved by focusing such intense pulses in some medium. There are two typical amplification schemes, one using the Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) technique and another based on multi-pass pulse amplification through the amplification medium. Ultrafast amplifiers find applications where intense pulses for highly nonlinear processes, such as high harmonic generation, are required or for the acceleration of particles to high energies. They may be used in laser-induced nuclear fusion or for micromachining.
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